The Cattle of Battle (Budget Standard Minotaurs)

Standard Gnukkels


Mixed up the board after some plays at Standard —June 2, 2017

Swapped out a few cards and added in a few new choices.

Tossed out the Throne of the God-Pharaoh and replaced it with Key to the City which all in all turned out to the one of the best decisions for the deck so far. The added ability to protect a creature from potential blockers, while still keeping with the discard mechanic was an incredible choice. The additional draw on untap was great as well.

Thinned out some of the spells in order to add in some Fiery Tempers. The ability to discard and still be an effective play worked wonders.

Also narrowed down the creature pool and tossed in a few Smoldering Marsh for some extra mana availability.

The event played out smoothly overall. The most major obstacle I faced was regularly getting enough lands on the field for big/quick plays, thus getting outpaced in a few matches. A G/R Energy Aggro deck eventually stomped me out with an 80/80 Trample Electrostatic Pummeler, and a W/U/B Control Planeswalker deck got me in the end because of lack of removal for the 4+ planeswalkers on the board.

The deck is definitely getting some work done on the battlefield, but definitely still needs some work done to be a rival force in Standard.