Tasigur, Ramp Shenanigans

Commander / EDH* mookie990


emn update = minor tweaks —July 17, 2016

Only small changes here. Still, should be fun.

+Pernicious Deed - one of the best rattlesnake cards ever printed. No planeswalkers here, so not as lopsided as it could be, but still good.

+Exploration - It's not Sol Ring, but it doesn't compare unfavorably either.

-Diabolic Revelation - not a combo deck, so I only ever tutor for value. Bit too slow for that.

-Deathcap Cultivator - low impact, 2 mana ramp is more than I would like.


-Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief - fantastic card, but yet another black-hole mana sink, which I think I have enough of already. Had a game today where she was out for most of the game and killing things, but I ultimately lost because she's too slow. Great in duels, much worse in the four person games I usually play - one opponent taps out to deploy a threat, I tap out to kill the threat with Drana, and the other two opponents advance their boards. (on the other hand, if I were playing proactively with her, probably could have 2-shotted an opponent.... ah, well)

+Archetype of Endurance - something my threats have in common is that they're all slow, expensive, and vulnerable to removal. Sisters rarely get to swing more than once per game. So, adding some more protection.