4,000 Years at the Top of His Class | *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH Mach_Caliber


Swaps + Primer Update for Said Swaps —Sept. 19, 2018

Vivien's Invocation out -> See the Unwritten in - The invocation was a bit of a weird card that I didn't get to cast as often as I would like. It might make it's way back in if the new add doesn't pan out.

Zendikar Resurgent and Myojin of Seeing Winds out - Both these cards just felt like they didn't have the impact that I would have liked. Sure, the ramp and card draw are sweet, but I feel like I have enough of both of those in the 99 that these were the slower ones and worth cutting.

Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip in - I've wanted to add this card for a while, and finally got one. This card just feels good at any point in the game, and when we have so much mana, we can cast and flip him in the same turn late game.

Urabrask the Hidden in - Wanted that extra haste outlet for when we put multiple creatures in at once.