I win...eventually

Modern Gigi_Year


Minor Land Change —Jan. 19, 2015

Was able to pick up 3 Flooded Strands, so I took out 2 islands and 1 plains for them. Hopefully more changes to come, but as of right now the biggest changes are the larger investments, specifically Cryptic Command, as Spell Snare isn't really that much and I probably won't be getting a full set in here unless my meta demands four of them.

CharlesMandore says... #1

My bruhmeister, where are the Cryptic Commands? Also, people always talk about Remand, so I'll recommend it to you too. (I personally don't fully understand and appreciate the card) I feel that you have four or five too many creatures, and they are all very susceptible to removal, which you can deal with, with a counter, by why worry at all? Control usually only runs one or two. Fetchlands are necessary, too.

December 21, 2014 10:51 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #2

Yep fetches and Commands will be there when the budget allows it haha :P

As for remand, I'd rather put that in a deck like Delver where tempo, rather than control, is the goal. It's also good in combo for the same reason, delaying being sufficient rather than denial. I'd consider it for the cantrip.

As for the creatures, there are mainly those extras for blocking out some aggressive strategies, especially the surprise f you that is Plumeveil. The sheep are just nice, fat 2 drop life stabilizers. Those will all be replaced with more counters such as Spell Snare and Cryptic Command as I get them.

Thanks for the input :)

December 22, 2014 12:29 a.m.

Might I recommend Sphinx's Revelation? I think it's a great card to play when you don't have to use control on your opponent's turn or when it's simply more beneficial to get more of your control ready. Plus, as you might know, I'm a sucker for cards that go together well flavor-wise...So with your few creatures already being sphinxes...

December 24, 2014 7:58 p.m.

Gigi_Year says... #4

Ooo, I'm a sucker for flavor, so that alone put it in the maybe board. I think once I get the fetch lands for the deck, either Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time will be the card advantage outside of my sphinxes. Fetches fuel delve so easily :)

Thanks for the suggestion!

December 24, 2014 8:16 p.m.