Gifts Combo Version 5

Modern simoHayha


Fed 17th —Feb. 17, 2016

Removed some ramp, bring to light, and reset the discussion. Currently am leaving in Empyrial Archangel over Iona, Shield of Emeria mainboard however sain77 brought up several good points on the benefit of Iona. May switch them back shortly after more testing.

polydamas says... #1

I'd replace Empyrial with Iona. And I replace the Archmage and Dismember with Painter's Servant. Or Slaughter Games and Raven's Crime from your sideboard and put in two Painter's Servants. I feel like Iona/Painter's Servant is one of the best answers to Eldrazi. I also like Stormtide Leviathan more than Thragtusk. I've run Monastery Siege before and I like it, but I've heard that it just isn't that effective. I don't know. But you could replace it with another Abrupt Decay and Sultai Charm. I also noticed you don't have any Serum Visions. I love me some Serum Visions. I'd replace Monastery Siege with Serum Visions. I saw that you have Blackcleave Cliffs, which is a little puzzling as you don't run red. Same with Blood Crypts. And Steam Vents. Oh I just noticed you have two red cards in your sideboard. I like Crumble to Dust (but I don't know if you need 3), but you could replace Slaughter Games with Memoracide. If you take out Crumble to Dust you could put Tectonic Edge or another Ghost Quarter in your sideboard (or in your mainboard as you won't need the red mana anymore). I'll give you this caveat though, I've only been playing for 6 months, so you might want to take what I said with a grain of salt.

February 10, 2016 6:32 p.m.

simoHayha says... #2

Hey, polydamas. Thanks for your suggestions! Your right, once i do find a way to get Painter's Servant in here ill definitely swap out Empyrial Archangel with Iona. Been debating which one of those is better mainboard but with the addition of Painter's Servant its goto be Iona hands down. Im not sure about swapping out Thragtusk with Leviathan, the mana cost of them are so different, i may swap out void winnower in the sb for it though and if i take out ravens crime from my sb i would take out life from the loam too, i kinda like that package as insurance against some control builds though. Im a fan of slaughter games over Memoracide for now just because of scapeshift. It can easily counter memoracide =/, and i may have a bit to much hate against big mana decks as you mentioned with the 3 crumble to dusts lol. There are just some decks I dislike more than others =p. I use to have faithless looting in mainboard instead of serum visions but removed it to make my mana a bit easier, I will definitely look into running serum visions mainboard though, just trying not to stress the mana. Currently i need B t1 for discard, W t1 for removal, and G t1 for ramp so needing U t1 may be hard =/. I shall try though.

Ive actually added the Monastery Siege recently and havent gotten alot of testing done with it. Seems good against burn, jund, and as a looting option but i can easily see removing it for your suggestions of decay and charm.

February 10, 2016 6:58 p.m.

polydamas says... #3

Someone made the point that with the Iona/Painter's Servant combo, that the game is basically over anyways when you play Iona. I do think Stormtide Leviathan would be good against Eldrazi though. Except Emrakul. With him you just hope you have a path.

February 11, 2016 1:31 a.m.

trixster87 says... #5

polydamas you can't path ermakul- protection from colored spells. You need wrath or etb trigger. Ulamog you need path for. I'm running Spreading Seas for eldrazzi/tron and man land decks in the side. It doesn't die to dismember and catnips.

February 12, 2016 3:29 p.m.

simoHayha says... #6

polydamas, love spreading seas in general. How would you propose changing my sideboard for it? Feel like Crumble to Dust may be a better option because its better against tron and can be found off of Bring to Light and sadly agro is a hard matchup so have to dedicate several sb slots against affinity and burn/zoo =/. Do think that the u/w control decks that mainboard Spreading Seas are quite well positioned right now because of how good it is against Eldrazi =). What do you think about my most recent changes to the deck? Also, what do you think about the Empyrial Archangel over Iona decision? Love to hear peoples opinions.

February 16, 2016 9:49 p.m.