Alesha, Who Smiles At Death and (s)Taxes [Primer]

Commander / EDH Mishraharad

SCORE: 352 | 234 COMMENTS | 122736 VIEWS | IN 251 FOLDERS

Got some sweet tech for y'all! —March 18, 2017

Primer update and decklist update!

rustbeltwolf says... #1

Hello fellow Alesha homie. Found this deck linked from reddit and I really dig it. Granted, I'm quite cheap and cannot justify the expense of some of these cards but I put together a budget list . Would you mind giving it a look and letting me know what you think? Thanks in advance!

December 1, 2016 7:01 p.m.

rustbeltwolf says... #2

For some reason link didn't post:

December 1, 2016 7:01 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #3

rustbeltwolf Biggest hit on the budget of my deck would be that promo Thalia, remove that and deck is already under 200$ (still ain't budget, but it lessens the burden)

Also, I'd like to know more about your meta, since that would give me more insight on what to actually combat/hate.

First thing I'll note about your deck, I'd remove most of ETB tapped lands from it, and if you can't get better lands, methinks that basics might do a better job, since this type of deck needs to get out of the gates ASAP, and ETB tapped lands just drag you down. Remember, you'll hardly win against green decks and their ilk by playing the fair game. You gotta tax'em fast and hard and slow them down as much as you can. (Part of this talk is my anti-green bias, since Green is the scourge of Commander games imho)

Now to creatures. First, lemme commend you for going with a REALLY creature dense version of the deck, since that is a good way to combat budget- always have disruptive creatures ready! Some creatures, like Ghitu Slinger or Relic Seeker might get the cut, depending on what you have lying around. Ghitu Slinger for Avalanche Riders might be a good trade? Since 2 damage won't be so good coming mid game.

Guy I'll recommend and that fits the budget is Brutal Hordechief . Ever wanted to pay 5 to win the game? This guy does it!

Rest of the creatures are alright on the budget, and I LOOOOVE Minister of Pain (Screw you, Kobolds and Goblins!)

Think you should, if you can find them (and you should since they've been printed a lot) change Planar Outburst for Day of Judgment . Awaken doesn't do THAT much in a Commander game, and you do recover better than most from Wraths.

What does Magebane Armor actually do in your deck, except making a dude safe from Blasphemous Act (also a card you could get for the deck!) and giving some extra stats? I know I use it in my Dralnu deck, but that's not to die for bunch of direct damage effects!

Also, you might change Armilliary Sphere for any of the appropriate Signets?

Enchantment suite I find good enough, I see the purpose in everything there.

Hope my answers weren't too long/boring!

December 2, 2016 2:49 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #4

AsykoSkwrl Am still on the quest of getting a better mana base. After that's done I think that will be it for the deck, I'm really happy with where I am with it!

December 2, 2016 2:50 a.m.

rustbeltwolf says... #5

Mishraharad thanks so much for all the great feedback, you're a gentleman and a scholar. To start, my meta essentially consists of one dude, maybe one other one from time to time (we're both 30 and lawyers so finding time/friends ain't easy). He has a Rosheen deck (huge creatures, tokens, burn), and Stoutarm deck (huge creatres/fling/lifegain), and a Lazav deck that works on reanimation and control. He usually plays Rosheen hence all the board wipes and damage prevention/negation. He's also as cheap as me (cheaper even) so I don't have to worry about crazy expensive bomb cards.

I think you might be right on about just switching to basics. Tap lands are slow as hell, I'm always just paranoid about missing colors in a tri-color EDH deck. Ghitu has actually been pretty good as he can off himself and take out many of my opponent's early threats (which help him later on). However, I agree that he's just useless late game, so I might splurge and grab an avalanche riders. Relic seeker is also meh, you are correct. It draws hate/blocks and almost never becomes renowned so it could probably get the cut for a Hordechief (which I actually own :) Minister of pain and Festercreep are both dope as they can kill themselves or, in the case of Minister, put another creature in the yard. Day of judgment is just too expensive to justify (I've got a mortgage, etc :P) so I went with super budget board wipes at or under .50, with Magus acting as my recurrable wipe.

Magebane is just there for my opponent's endless burn spells, although I've been thinking about just switching it for that equipment that gives legendary creatures +3/+2 and is silly cheap (forgot its name). I'm also in agreement about the armillary sphere and it's little cousin. If I switch out taps for basics and armillary for signets the mana would be much better.

Thank again for all the great feedback.

December 2, 2016 8 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #6


Well, if you have a lot of burn, Magebane makes helluva lot of sense, you might as well keep it.

Also, Utter End is cheap as hell!

December 2, 2016 8:19 a.m.

Comred says... #7

Mishraharad Do you think you could tell me where you found that sweet art for Alesha and if its possible to order it.

December 5, 2016 10:30 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #8

Comred It's one of the alters you can find here on tappedout, it's done by Proxy Guy , he's not selling cards though, contact him and see what, if anything can be arranged.

December 5, 2016 1:03 p.m.

eebrost says... #9

I love the deck! I've been working on Alesha Death and Taxes myself. What do you find to be a more useful combat trump card - Brutal Hordechief or Iroas?

December 9, 2016 12:43 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #10

Depending - got more dudes? Chief.

Got better quality of dudes? Iroas.

Best times are when you've got both out though!

December 9, 2016 11:40 p.m.

Zmb13 says... #11

Has Always Watching been looked at and pondered over yet?

December 19, 2016 2:47 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #12

Zmb13 - Huh, I've kinda forgotten that was a thing. I wanted it when it was high in Standard, but it was also up in price.

That actually could work really well, especially combined with Iroas and the gang!

December 19, 2016 4 a.m.

Zmb13 says... #13

Glad I could be of help! I really love this deck. I've been thinking about getting into commander and after looking at this, Alesha may be the place for me to start. If i could upvote twice i certainly would :)

December 19, 2016 4:10 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #14

Zmb13 This ain't a bad build to start with, since its less than 200$ (if you reduce the price of foils and promos)

And glad you enjoy making people miserable :P

(Protip - replace some creature with Braids, Cabal Minion in French Commander to make people cry)

December 19, 2016 10:37 a.m.

grayson290 says... #15

Hey this is an awesome list and I've been looking into building this with my own tweeks on it. I see that you have Hokori. When do you think would be a good time to put him on the field so it wont screw you over?

January 3, 2017 5:49 p.m.

Mishraharad says... #16


Hokori is a difficult one, and I've only just recently added it, so I'm not 100% sure on what the correct answer is.

But on what I've seen in testing, you want to hit the moment that your opponents tappout for some huge spell and you get your Hokori from your GY.

However, sometimes you just gotta play Hokori on T4 and grind the game out, since we are the deck that works well under small amounts of mana, unlike most of the decks in the format. There have been games where I've just jammed T4 Hokori, and that enabled me to win against green based decks, on the sheer value of them just not getting their ramp and threats out, and even when they do get it out, we can just kill'em one by one.

January 5, 2017 12:21 a.m.

grayson290 says... #17

Nice! thanks for the response and the advice. A lot of people in my play group run green decks so hokori would be an awesome fit.

have you ever tried putting hokori then sacrificing him at someones endstep before your turn comes so you can untap all your lands at your upkeep then bringing him back with Alesha so every one elses lands stay untaped? That's something I was pondering over when I saw your decklist.

January 5, 2017 1:34 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #18


Yuuup, done it couple of times. That's why Viscera Seer/Altar of Dementia/any other sac outlet rule with good ol' Dust breath.

It pulls you so far ahead that it sometimes ain't even funny (okay I lie, it's always funny. Puny green mages and their "ramp" and "big dudes"!)

Foe extra effect, combine Reconnaissance and Hokori with Aleshas reanimate, and sac it later.

Rinse and repeat.

January 5, 2017 1:45 a.m.

grayson290 says... #19

I bet you make a lot of people mad with that one. lolnice thanks for the tip! I don't know but when you're building a deck like this do you ever think to yourself "man how much of a dick do I want to be?" I find myself thinking that often when I figuring out what to put in it haha. I wanted to ask any reason why you're not running the Revaillark/ karmic guide combo?

January 5, 2017 1:54 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #20


Ya mean Rev/Guide/Sac Outlet/Blood Artist or? Since that one is there!

I mean, since I've recently moved to a new town with a new, much more competitive meta, I'm kinda encouraged to be a huge dick, since we have people playing Krenko, Karador, Prossh and their like. So my Alesha is kinda of a small fish in a big bowl, killing stuff.

Sometimes I do hold back, against less competitive decks, and go for more battlecruising, just to keep game going, and not kill everything and everyone.

January 5, 2017 1:59 a.m.

grayson290 says... #21

oh damn i totally missed that my bad!

oh alright then for sure. Same with with my LGS it's pretty cutthroat so I have to keep up with them. any reason why you're not running sol ring in the deck?

January 5, 2017 2:06 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #22


Only reason is that i+I find Sol Ring boring, and everybody runs it.

If you want it, feel free to run it man!

January 5, 2017 2:12 a.m.

grayson290 says... #23

Oh alright then! Do you ever get mana color screwed since you're not running chromatic lantern?

January 5, 2017 2:15 a.m.

Mishraharad says... #24


Oh that happens once in a while, and boy does it suck.

That's why I plan to upgrade my mana base and get a lantern ASAP

January 5, 2017 2:25 a.m.

grayson290 says... #25

For sure!well thanks for all the help. here's my deck if you want to take a look at it Alesha DT I'm going to change the land base for sure. Any suggestions are welcomed also. Thanks again!

January 5, 2017 2:40 a.m.