Mishra's Factory new creature question

Asked by hosshughes 8 years ago

If I activate Mishra's Factory ability to become a creature multiple times in a turn, does it become a new creature each time? I'm wondering if it will trigger a soul sister multiple times.

hyperlocke says... Accepted answer #1

You can activate the ability multiple times. If it resolves while Mishra's Factory already is a creature, nothing will happen. It will not count as a new creature.

Note that Soul Warden will not trigger at all.

Permanents changing their type doesn't count as entering the battlefield. Soul Warden cares about creatures entering the field. If you turn the Factory into a creature, it will not trigger Soul Warden, as the permanent already was on the field.

December 27, 2016 10:53 a.m.

hosshughes says... #2


December 27, 2016 10:59 a.m.

Neotrup says... #3

Activating Mishra's Factory's ability a second time will reset it's base power/toughness if it gets hit with something like Gigantomancer, but not if it's total power/toughness changes from something like Giant Growth. It will also make it an artifact creature again if it lost either of those types from something like Neurok Transmuter. Otherwise the ability won't do anything.

December 27, 2016 11:58 a.m.

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