How does Vial Smasher work with Reverberate?
Asked by Sheepking2000 3 years ago
Let's say I cast Jokulhaups with Vial Smasher the Fierce out, then I decide to Reverberate the Jokulhaups. What counts as the first spell cast?
Let's say I cast Jokulhaups with Vial Smasher the Fierce out, then I decide to Reverberate the Jokulhaups. What counts as the first spell cast?
Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1
Jokulhaups is the first spell cast in that example, and that's all Vial Smasher cares about, regardless or whether or not it's the first spell to resolve (or if it even does resolve).
April 22, 2021 1:14 p.m.