Does rule 112.6h break Genesis Hydra?
Asked by Gliscorph 7 years ago
So I was looking at a discussion about Melira, Sylvok Outcast and someone pulled up this rule:
"112.6h An object's ability that states counters can't be placed on that object functions as that object is entering the battlefield in addition to functioning while that object is on the battlefield."
If this is true, shouldn't 0/0 creatures with etb abilities that would keep them from dying as they hit still die? For instance, if someone casts Solemnity and I cast Genesis Hydra, the cast ability would trigger, the etb would trigger, and Solemnity would trigger. But if the etb ability is affected by Solemnity, wouldn't Genesis Hydra die with or without Solemnity in play?
Rhadamanthus says... #2
Side note: 112.6h doesn't affect how Melira, Sylvok Outcast enters the battlefield. Because that ability doesn't only affect Melira, herself, you don't take it into account when trying to figure out how she enters the battlefield.
October 6, 2017 7:08 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #3
In addition to Solemnity being a static ability Genesis Hydra has a static ability that functions as it enters, not an ETB trigger. Spells, triggered abilities, and activated abilities (with the exception of mana abilities) go on the stack and can be responded to and therefore SBAs will be checked before they resolve and Genesis Hydra would die if it had a trigger. Static abilities are things that are simply true about the game and don't go on the stack. Genesis Hydra enters the battlefield with the counters it doesn't have to go on the stack and resolve, it just happens. Solemnity doesn't allow counters to be placed. Again there is no trigger. If a counter would be placed it just isn't because Solemnity says so.
October 6, 2017 8:18 p.m.
Most cost creatures die as soon as they come in with Solemnity, but not with Melira, Sylvok Outcast. They effectively enter as if they were cast with X=0 in the first case and regularly in the second case. I'm not entirely sure what you're seeing as broken or if there's another point that needs clearing up.
chosenone124 says... #1
Hydra will die the moment it hits the battlefield if Solemnity is out.
You cast Genesis Hydra
It triggers, revealing cards off your library and placing a permanent on the battlefield.
Hydra enters as a 0/0 and dies.
Note that Solemnity does not trigger. It is a continuous effect
October 6, 2017 5:57 p.m. Edited.