Does Fist of Suns change the mana cost of spells?
Asked by JoyTheEnbySliverLover 6 years ago
If so, does As Foretold with 5 time counters on it make the mana cost of spells 0?
Also, As Foretold doesn't make every spell cost when it has 5 time counters on it. You can only use it once each turn, and the number of time counters must equal or exceed the total CMC of the spell you want to cast for . So if you're casting a second As Foretold using the first's alternative casting cost, you only need 3 time counters. But if you're casting Emrakul, the Promised End, you need 13.
And to clarify the alternative casting cost from Fist of Suns, if you want to, you could use Fist of Suns to pay instead of the actual casting cost of As Foretold. Its CMC would still be 3. And if you had 3 time counters on As Foretold, you could use its ability to pay instead of the casting cost of Fist of Suns (assuming you hadn't yet used that ability yet that turn), but Fist of Suns would still have a CMC of 3.
October 28, 2018 9:04 p.m.
JoyTheEnbySliverLover says... #3
Gidgetimer, thanks for clearing my initial question up. I should have read the text better because I now see that Fist of Suns' ability just gives spells an alternate cost. Than is now very plain to see.
Kogarashi, I made the same mistake of not reading well enough with As Foretold. I thought that maybe if could change the mana costs of spells to 5 or less, getting the 5 time counters would allow me to cast all my spells for 0 mana. As I have read the card again I have realised my error. Thanks for your input though. It was very helpful, very humbling and slightly embarrassing.
Anyway, I thank you both again for answering a stupid question and wish you all the best for being so constructive with your answers.
Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1
No, fist of the suns simply provides an alternate casting cost.
October 28, 2018 8:29 p.m.