Player Etiquette

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Posted on March 11, 2017, 5:08 p.m. by Homura_Akemi

After a game of commander yesterday, I have been thinking about what basic etiquette Magic players should have while playing. During the 6 player game, two people were playing Modern at the same time, taking up board space, and then one of those players refused to display and change the life counter app he was using on his phone. I was annoyed by this behavior because if you commit to a game of Magic, you should be focusing on it, have physical space for the game and the others around you, and show your life total. This player even denied that the modern game was taking up space and said he wouldn't change or show his life total because he didn't feel like it and didn't have to.

Now, I have issues with this player sometimes because he can be a total jerk because he had the worst day ever or was in a really bad mood, but I don't give a shit. Everyone has hard days and their own personal issues in life, and it is not justified to disrupt what other people are trying to do to forget their own issues and have fun just because of the "poor ol' me" excuses. If someone has that bad of a day, then why would they even be at FNM?

Anyway, what do you think should be expected of Magic players in at least casual play? Keeping track of their life totals? Allowing other players to know what their life totals are? Playing one game at a time?

And my main problem is that this behavior negatively affects all of the other players. If you're playing another game, you have to be reminded of your own turn, catch up on what happened, and think of what you're going to right when it's your turn which slows down the game for everyone else. Not showing your life total is just immature.

Oh, and did I mention the playing of music or listening to music during games? The individual mentioned above started playing music aloud during our game, which also pissed me off because it sucked and was distracting. Another player frequently puts on headphones during games, which I just think is rude to other players.

And as a final note, I understand if people want to do different things, but if you want to listen to music while playing Magic, put on your headphones while doing MTGO and if you want to play Modern do not do it during a Commander game. Sometimes it can be funny to try to play two games at once, but other times it can just be disrespectful.

(I do have to admit to occasionally playing "battle music" when playing against a certain friend who also enjoys the dramatic music during 1v1 games.)

Homura_Akemi says... #2

The "why would they even be at FNM" comment reminds me of a time in my book club when I was casually like "Oh, what chapter are you on?" "One," said the new person. Another person, "Why, we're supposed to be on ten?" "Because my friend died." "Then why are you even here?"

March 11, 2017 5:11 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #3

This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum (auto-generated comment)

March 11, 2017 6:30 p.m.

DrLitebur says... #4

Honestly, playing two games at once, to me, is a sign of rudeness, because it shows a complete lack of respect for the player(s) involved. If he wanted to play a game of Modern, he should have dropped out of the EDH game and played that instead. Playing both at the same time was both disrespectful and to me, very distracting.

The second matter of life totals. Regardless of the game type, someone should keep life totals, and those life totals should be transparent. Anything that can tell who wins or loses a game should be upfront and easy for anyone to access, unless, of course, it is supposed to be hidden. But any time you are asked what your life total is, you need to be able to show it clearly and accurately, regardless.

As for music, I don't like the distractions myself, but each person has their own desires, and sometimes the shop I play at plays music in the background and it can be alright, but sometimes is not all that great. Once again, I just go with the flow. If it is a problem, ask the "judge" to intervene.

March 11, 2017 7:17 p.m.

Tk4890 says... #5

I get the point of what you are saying, but the meaning is lost in the fact that it comes across as an immature rant. You seem to have three issues with this player DrLitebur seems to have summed these up properly. There is, however, the issue of him being a "jerk," and showing up even though he had a bad day. Maybe he just wanted to play a game of magic to help cheer him up? Try to encourage him pleasantly to keep his mind on that one SINGLE game.

With these issues, I see one clear, two-step way to resolve them. First, ask if his behavior is an issue with the rest of your playgroup. If it is, confront him in a polite manner, and ask him to "please focus on the game that you committed to first, and if you don't mind, either turn the music down significantly, or wear earbuds?" If it isn't an issue with the group, or if he doesn't respond to your requests, try to find somewhere to play, or avoid playing with him in particular. If you leave, ask around for a shop that is more competitive, as seems to be your mojo.

March 11, 2017 8:06 p.m.

MagnusMTG says... #6

The only etiquette that I wish players would follow is to announce their actions during the game instead of just putting down cards and then silently looking elsewhere while they wait for you to figure out what they did.

I believe it actually used to be a rule that to cast a spell, one had to announce or otherwise show the card clearly and state clearly what the modes were, targets, etc.

So often, my opponent in a tournament or whatever will draw cards, take cards out of the graveyard, shuffle library, and all sorts of other actions without even saying why any of that was happening. Then, when I ask what's going on, I get stared at like I'm an idiot.

I've been playing Magic for over 20 years; I know how it is supposed to be played, but I can't be expected to just assume what my opponent is doing when he won't even show me the cards being played. I'm just supposed to catch a glimpse of the corner of the artwork and immediately know the full text of the spell and my opponent's intentions with it.

It's infuriating. Even if a player doesn't want to (or can't) speak, it's easy enough to at least hold up the card being played, so I can read it, and maybe just point at things to make clear one's intentions.

I swear, it's like most of the people I play against act as if they are playing solitare, and I'm not even at the table.

It's gotten so pervasive that when I sit down with a new opponent, I'll pretend to be nearly blind and can't see the cards and ask that they name and read each card played, so I know what the hell is going on.

I've even asked judges if there was anything in the rules about having to let your opponent know what you were doing while doing it, and apparently there isn't. As long as steps were done in order, it was my responsibility to act when it was clear I had priority, but it wouldn't be clear because my opponent wouldn't say anything, except maybe the occasional, "combat", "pass turn".

When I play, I always announce out loud what I'm doing. When I put a spell card on the stack, I'll place it out in the middle of the table so it's easy to read, I'll name the card, point to targets, say what I am tapping and why, say when I am responding to things or when I pass and let things resolve, etc.

I mean, is this because everyone else is so used to playing on MTGO or XMage where everything is automated? Why is it so hard to just talk about the game being played or just show cards being played clearly, so there is no ambiguity?

[end rant]

March 12, 2017 3:46 a.m.

Argy says... #7

I didn't take what you said as an "immature rant" OP.

I took it as a totally reasonable expression of frustration.

The issue here isn't even playing Magic. The issue is treating other people with respect.

I don't even buy the bullshit that you have to check with other players in the game. If something is bothering you then you have every right to say something about it.

At the start of the game if someone else wants to play Modern while playing EDH just tell them that won't work for you and you don't want to play EDH with them if that's what they are going to do.

If someone has headphones in, tell them that is off putting for you. Of course they may still keep them in but at least you have your say.

If someone won't show their life total then use an app on your phone that shows EVERYONE'S life totals. That's what we do for EDH. That way you can just adjust their life total so that you know what it is. I use "Magic Life Counter". It's free and easy to use.

Stsn up for yourself. Demand the respect that you deserve.

As for not announcing plays I just ask people to do it, and then they usually do.

As I said to someone the other day, "Can you just be a nice guy and do that?"

March 12, 2017 4:30 a.m.

miracleHat says... #8

6 player edh game. That sounds so boring, long, tedious, extraneous, monotonous, especially when person #4 has just entered main-phase #2... And let's add that you are playing Marath, Will of the Wild and you haven't done anything since attacking somebody last turn. Or, did they start playing modern because maybe this scenario happened:
Time Stretch -> Archaeomancer -> Time Stretch -> Snapcaster Mage...? If so, then I would start a game of modern because 1 person is going to spend 10 minutes finishing their 6 turns.

What about the other person who joined the modern game? It takes two to tan--modern.

The life total: if he is known for having good mental acuity, no need for him to physically change his life total, but he does have to show it 100% of the time.

Many times people go to fnm to cool off, laugh, have fun, smoke a cig, and let the week wash away in a night of fun games.

Before playing music, ask for people's music preferences. Music while gaming enhances the experience for many. You can always ask for it to be turned off.

You still have yet to say why it negatively affects other players. All of the things that you listed in that segment takes 10 seconds and is actually helpful for all 6 players who are bound to forget something important.

As to all of this being rude, yes it is. However: they do not know that it is rude and will continue with this behavior until you tell them, "Hey, you are being rude, now get out or change yourself".

March 12, 2017 5:17 a.m.

Argy says... #9

Just about everything said above is a classic case of "blaming the victim".

March 12, 2017 7:19 a.m.

Argy says... #10

From the MTG tournament rules:

2.14. Life Totals

At the start of a match, each player must indicate how he or she will keep track of his or her life total. This method must be visible to both players during the match. A shared method is acceptable as long as all players in the match have access to it.

March 12, 2017 7:54 a.m. Edited.

Homura_Akemi says... #11

Thanks Argeaux, I'll use that advice in the future.

March 12, 2017 12:50 p.m.

After playing MTG for about two years, the most important lesson I have learned is this: Know what your cards do BEFORE YOU USE THEM. There's nothing quite like being told that you've been misreading Distant Memories since you've started playing Magic, right in the middle of a game.

March 14, 2017 7:02 p.m.

And wait, I have one more. I play blue. I run counterspells. One of my biggest pet peeves in Magic is when someone speeds through their turn, playing card after card after card before you can even say "In response...". And when it's all over and you hold up your Cryptic Command they get annoyed becuse they have to undo everthing.

March 14, 2017 7:09 p.m.

Argy says... #14

Yeah the not pausing makes things tricky.

I always say "moving to combat" and wait for the other person to indicate whether they are going to do something or not, before I declare my attackers.

That has the added advantage of not allowing them to see what I am planning to attack with in the pre-combat phase.

If I move to declaring attackers and then they say "before combat" I point out to them that I already announced I was moving to combat, so their timeTo do anything precombat has passed.

March 15, 2017 7:59 a.m.

maxwelladnan says... #15

I also think the player etiquettes and behaviour should be professional. I play game while listening to music on my wireless or earphones because it reduces my stress during gaming. But ignoring other teammate is very wrong.

October 24, 2020 7:36 p.m.

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