Template for Oathbreaker?
Oathbreaker forum
Posted on Aug. 6, 2019, 11:29 a.m. by MoonHollow124
Has a template for building an oathbreaker deck been figured out yet? I use the commander template popularized by the command zone and multiplied by .6 to get 6 ramp spells, 6 card draw spells, 3 wraths, and 3 single-target removal. This gets kind of weird with having your signature spell be one of these, as for example, I built a Teferi, Time Raveler Sphinx's Revelation deck and was always having to discard to hand size and feeling like I had too much card draw and not enough other stuff. Not that having lots of cards isn’t fun, it’s just not as good after a certain point.
TypicalTimmy, I agree with that template as a guideline and is something I tend to do myself. Mind you, I build with some flexibility given on what I want that exact deck to do.
August 6, 2019 3:27 p.m.
MoonHollow124 says... #4
Thanks for the help! I really like this approach and was having trouble with what I was previously using as sometimes the games were just too fast. I'll try this out and see how it goes!
heckproof says... #2
You could just play Reliquary Tower ?
August 6, 2019 2:35 p.m.