Dragon's Eye Sanctuary | Dragonlord Ojutai EDH

Commander / EDH* Olde_English


All Hail Ojutai —Sept. 18, 2020

I've made some sweeping changes to this deck in an effort to optimize its two main themes, stax and voltron, to the highest degree. I cut out the Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal combo lines. I found that when I would draw into these pieces they were slowing me down and trying to utilize spells like Blind Obedience to chain infinite mana into wins was clunky and unreliable. Ojutai is such a high-priority removal target that I needed to make room for a much interaction as possible and new stax pieces that I want to playtest.

Zendikar has gifted this deck some new goodies, Confounding Conundrum and Archon of Emeria, both seem solid at face value and will be play-tested extensively. Archon is sort of a cross between Thalia, Heretic Cathar and Rule of Law on a flying body. Having the ability to slow down oppents while simultaneously being able to block out small creatures like Tymna is fantastic. Confounding Conundrum is a card I'm a bit torn over, I think it can be good at the right table but isn't always the optimal choice. I've been facing obnoxious, mono-green commanders lately that spam Exploration like effects and I feel like Confounding Conundrum can hurt them in a significant way. There's also fetch-lands everywhere at high power/ competitive tables and CC hits those particularly hard as well. We'll see how these cards pan out.

There's still a lot of work to be done on the primer itself but that's nothing new. See you all with another update in a few months.

PotatoJed says... #1

Hey Olde_English

Have you considered Spellseeker? Also I think Rule of Law works better than Deafening Silence as it stops Food Chain combos and Thassa's Oracle combos, especially when we don't benefit that much from casting a creature and a non creature spell in the same turn.

September 17, 2020 7:34 p.m.