Vampire Aristocrats Core

Commander / EDH* eastly


Hot Fix v1.0.1.0 —May 28, 2019

Change Log

Cuts: Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip, Mausoleum Secrets

Additions: Bloodtracker, Diabolic Tutor

Change Notes

Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip (ABF) is simply a poor man's Greed which is currently included in the deck anyways. Bloodtracker not only fits the tribal theme adding another body to the list, but also fills the slot ABF is going to leave and is more gas for the deck's various sac outlets.

Mausoleum Secrets could be really interesting in a deck like this, especially with a low curve and instant speed, however I haven't played with the deck enough to know if it actually dumps enough creatures in the graveyard to warrant it. Until then, ol' reliable will do.