Spells of a Feather

Commander / EDH spyder1569


LadyZ says... #1

Couple suggestions: Chandra's Ignition , Balefire Liege , and Launch the Fleet can all be pretty handy in Feather. I'd also consider cutting Puresteel Paladin , but that might just be me

June 23, 2019 8:06 p.m.

spyder1569 says... #2

Thank you for the suggestions!

At this time I'm not using Chandra's Ignition because I wanted to avoid blowing up all the creatures I'm hoping to produce with this version of the deck. If I were running a little more focus on just Feather I would definitely consider.

Balefire Liege is actually a card I have considered, but I'm not sure what to remove for it. Suggestions?

I like Launch the Fleet . I will probably take your other suggestion and remove Puresteel Paladin from the build. I've been considering that one for removal anyhow. I wanted to playtest and see if I got any value out of the card and so far it's been hard to activate the last ability due to the low amount of artifacts I'm running.

June 24, 2019 11:45 a.m.

KayneMarco says... #3

I strongly urge you to move Aria of Flame from your maybeboard to the 99. It is absolutely nuts in feather. Big deal if opponents gain 10 life because if they don’t have an answer for it it will kill off the table in a matter of turns. I would take out the Sphinx bone wand. I’ve tried running both in my feather deck and the high cmc of the wand held it back. I have removed it because of that.

June 24, 2019 1:16 p.m.

spyder1569 says... #4

Thank you for the comment! I have it in my maybe board and actually was thinking of removing the same thing you suggested. I hadn't had enough playtime to see how they compared. Having confirmation from another player that this same swap seems to work better is perfect. I'll be doing so as well.

June 24, 2019 5:26 p.m.

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