Blood Bath

Commander / EDH Viralblitzkreig


Game Results —Aug. 19, 2014

4 Way: Won game at 28 life, after RW devotion beat down an artifact creature deck. Player 3 had a Random Card challenge deck, so he conceded after first death. Was able to get Caged Sun out after the early artifact removal passed. Played an early Smallpox after Olivia Voldaren was Path of Exile'd. Gave me the wiggle room i needed to get Olivia Voldaren back out, and with extra mana from Caged Sun I cast Army of the Damned for him to concede due to being 1 mana short of True Conviction. Felt the deck was okay if played passively, trying not to get focused asap. Work on getting early game threats out with Olivia Voldaren to make an ally or two.