MTG Combo: Helm of the Host + Timestream Navigator

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BMHKain on Help Wanted for Admiral Beckett …

4 years ago

BIG UPDATE: Recently finished some decks, & this one's next.

Remember what I said about Timestream Navigator Earlier? Well, I also ponder how many useful Targets Helm of the Host has; & what's it good for? Well, I though a lot about it: How many uses for it are there? & IF this is meant to be Flavor-Tribe Based, what about the Deceit? Broken Alliances to benefit yourself? You know, what famed Pirates like Edward Teach (Blackbeard), & even Fictional Examples like Ol' Cap'n Jack Sparrow (Sorry for the references; I just hope those two examples are well known at least...)? That said, I've 2 questions; one will be in the OP, so 1 for now. Is the following combo Legitimate?: Helm of the Host + Timestream Navigator ? I'll update the OP after.

Thanks for all the help thus far BTW! ;D