MTG Combo: Hardened Scales + Shape of the Wiitigo

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cak01vej on U/G Mana Accel/Removal

8 years ago

Have you thought about Tromokratis? It's a near unblockable 8/8 with hexproof, or how about Stormtide Leviathan? although it doesn't play well with a lot of other creatures...

Serum Visions is one of the best (if not the best) at what it does, unless you want to leave Modern?

As for Hardened Scales + Shape of the Wiitigo I'd say that if you can be sure to attack every turn, while preventing your opponent from doing the same (hint hint Stormtide Leviathan) then definitely yes.

Also, why don't you run Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx along with thing that allow you to repeatedly tap it (and Market Festival), like Kiora's Follower? When using creatures of that size, it's almost a waste not to use their devotion.