Centaur Glade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Centaur Glade


(2)(Green)(Green): Put a 3/3 green Centaur creature token into play.

BrassLord on Gnawty Girl

2 years ago

Having run other big green mana commanders, Command Beacon can help when your commander gets countered/killed. Road of Return does the same and also gives you some utility to boot! An early Geode Golem could quickly ramp and get out of hand!

On the jank/spicy side of things, if you chose to go more of a counters direction in terms of making the most treasure as possible, Helix Pinnacle MIGHT work. Kamahl, Fist of Krosa and Kamahl, Heart of Krosa are both mana sinks that can produce "creatures" and give needed trample boosts to your creatures. Biogenic Ooze Splitting Slime and even Centaur Glade are all ways for you to use the treasure accumulated from combat damage to produce even more creatures (admittedly not on a 1 to 1 level, but pretty dang cheaply)!

3n3rgy2 on Old School EDH Old Border Only

3 years ago

I have been working crazy long hours recently so my play time at my LGS has taken a hit! However, the only 'main' problem I can see so far is that this deck is pretty mana hungry for making cheeky plays. As far as leaving up mana for Consumptive Goo or Rod of Ruin plays in tandem with Puppet Strings, Jandor's Saddlebags and Vhati, it can get costly. It is obvious that, with this being inspired by the B/G/x rock decks of old, we are very comfortable in the mid- late game. That is of course not to suggest we are bad in the early game either, we just do more as the games go on. Playing a criminally underrated Commander helps us as we are certainly NEVER the main focus at any table.

Notably (to probably, literally nobodies surprise) Seedborn Muse is the best play for this deck as fast as possible and is quite literally napalm stapled to a 2/4 body! Centaur Glade with Seedborn Muse and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa was pretty degenerate. Most of the decks I end up running into have a Taxes or Control type shell. Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite does not hurt this deck as bad as you'd think and access to green lets us power thru most Thalia, Guardian of Thraben or Grand Arbiter Augustin IV effects.

Again the high toughness value to a majority of our creature base lets the wumpus rampage away and lets us use Noxious Field and Pestilence to our advantage in most multi use per turn scenarios.

As for an upcoming 'Pre-Modern" styled deck, I am really intrigued by playing a 'Bleed Out' style deck with Ankh of Mishra, Manabarbs, Spellshock, Citadel of Pain and Sulfuric Vortex style jund deck. Commanders in the running's are Xira Arien or Adun Oakenshield to lead this idea! It's in the works :)

OmniDreamer on Tatyova Peasant EDH

4 years ago

Hi, I'm looking around the net for some ideas on building a new common/uncommon commander. Currently have Ghave and Animar built. I saw your list and was curious why you're not running either Windfall to go with Narset, Parter of Veils or Retreat to Coralhelm to go with your put land into play creatures like Sakura-Tribe Scout? Also Thwart synergizes with Tatyova's strategy.

Seems like your only ways to win are combat damage / infect with token creatures made from Rise from the Tides, Sprout Swarm, or Zendikar's Roil. Maybe possible taking someones Eldrazi or something with Take Possession. Do you think Centaur Glade would be a decent addition to your token producers?

How has the deck played out for you? Decent win ratio? What's your meta like (very casual, mid-power, high-power, competitive)?

Are there any infinite combos that you've considered? Maybe something like Peregrine Drake + Ghostly Flicker + Mnemonic Wall or maybe Temur Sabertooth + Peregrine Drake + some lands that tap for 2 mana. Infinite mana basically just gives you a lot of token creatures though. Maybe Capsize would be your way to end the game on the same turn you get infinite mana.

WhichKing on Grand DorkLord Radha

4 years ago

I think you need more token producers that double as manasinks. Using Radha-ability mana on cards feels like you'll end up overextending fast. Centaur Glade is not bad. Dragon Roost is expensive but may work. Myr Matrix is resilient. Night Soil doubles as GY hate. Ant Queen , Jade Mage , Soul of Zendikar etc.

WhichKing on Hydra Warlord

5 years ago

Yeah those enchantments would help to make more immediate use of your mana. You don't play anything in your first main-phase, attack and get a lot of mana, then in your second main-phase you cast a hydra with all your mana and immediately get to fireball someone! Otherwise you just end up passing the turn and getting your creature Doom Blade-ed or something.

Another option would be to put in mana-sinks. For example:

Rhonas the Indomitable and Nylea, God of the Hunt enable to to sink the mana generated during the attack step to pump your attackers, even after your opponent decides his blocks to mess up combat math.

Token producer sinks let you use the mana to make blockers, which then attack next turn to continue the cycle! You can choose creatures like Ant Queen, Tilonalli's Summoner, and/or relatively more resilient options like Centaur Glade, Myr Matrix, Dragon Roost (last one may be too slow though!).

lilgiantrobot on Mina and Denn Landfall

6 years ago

Beast Within/Chaos Warp are two really good catch-all spells. And maybe something like Ant Queen or Centaur Glade, some more options to use up some of that massive mana?

dbpunk on Go Green

6 years ago

Centaur Glade might work cause this deck creates a ton of mana very easily.

cabal_patriarch on Corrupted conclave

7 years ago

Cool concept! You need reach or flying creatures though, right now your deck gets boned by flying. To that end, you might consider Spidersilk Armor.

You might also like Centaur Glade. I know it's a little expensive (mana-wise), but it might add value.

Another sweet enchantment for this deck: Anointed Procession.

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