Shifting Between Decks with the SB

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 3, 2015, 11:43 p.m. by car

I have a white weenie deck: The Trump Army. It has an ability, to after the first game, change into a different deck. soul sisters. is this a viable strategy, and should i devote my sb to it? also, this deck needs some help. thanks a ton.

Servo_Token says... #2

This is something that several decks in the past have tried to do. Esper Reanimator has the capacity to turn into a regular control deck, Zoo can turn into straight burn, but when you are thinking about a transformative sideboard, you need to ask yourself if what you gain from the transformation is worth what you sacrifice in not having a sideboard. For example, if you know that you are only going to be playing two different decks all night - Storm and Burn - I would have no issues with playing this deck as is. However, with something as diverse as modern, I don't think that it's the best plan because there's just so much that you need to be prepared for. What do you do against Tron, or BG? Seems like you just kinda scoop them up.

Also, you're playing mono white in modern, you play Spectral Procession / Lingering Souls in some capacity. There's just so many decks that can't effectively handle more than one 1/1 flyer coming from one card.

December 4, 2015 1:23 a.m.

lemmingllama says... #3

The issue with your transformative sideboard plan is that it won't change how your deck works. Most people bring in sweepers against white weenie and get their creature base lower to the ground, which is also effective against Soul Sisters.

Transformative sideboards are best when you can mess up your opponent's sideboard plans so they have some dead cards. This would simply change the deck a little into a bad Soul Sisters deck and also remove access to all the great sideboard hate that white has, such as Stony Silence and Rest in Peace. I do like some of the sisters in your sideboard like Auriok Champion, but overall I don't think the swap is useful enough.

December 4, 2015 7:07 a.m.

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