Kefnet's Meat Grinder || 49-11 Record

Standard* FuryOfTheAge


3-0 Standard Showdown —June 24, 2017

Game 1: Soul Procession Combo 2-1

Game 2: Bant Spell Queller Aggro 2-1

Game 3: Mono-B Zombies 2-0

Dwarflord says... #1

So I've actually been testing the same creature base with a different spell package. I have the trial of ambition for the cartouche to bounce as recurring removal, ob, Jace, and siminissa main for added card advantage/removal, and the two never main board. How has nature's way worked for you so far vs strait removal? I understand the reason behind using it on rhonas but on a normal creature it seems subpar

June 21, 2017 8:44 p.m.

Dwarflord says... #2

So I've actually been testing the same creature base with a different spell package. I have the trial of ambition for the cartouche to bounce as recurring removal, ob, Jace, and siminissa main for added card advantage/removal, and the two never main board. How has nature's way worked for you so far vs strait removal? I understand the reason behind using it on rhonas but on a normal creature it seems subpar

June 21, 2017 8:48 p.m.

Dwarflord says... #3

I don't know why it posted twice :(

June 21, 2017 8:49 p.m.

FuryOfTheAge says... #4

I used to run all three planeswalkers in the beginning versions of this deck. I ended up taking them out because the extra card draw was sub-par, they were just too slow. This deck is designed to grind out your opponent through card advantage and I don't think you can afford to take such an important turn off to drop a PW. I really wanted to make Nissa, Steward of Elements work but I could never find myself in good enough position to cast her.

Nature's Way is one of the most underrated removal cards in Standard right now. Most of the highly-played creatures in Standard right now don't have high amounts of toughness, so I'll generally have a creature on board that can line up for a kill. The Trample is important because this deck needs it, and the Vigilance is amazing to help keep yourself alive in the race. I like Trial of Ambition and have tried it in my sieboards, it certainly has it's use. I swear by Nature's Way though.

June 21, 2017 9:17 p.m.

Dwarflord says... #5

I will say that nature's way is much less Mana intensive on the base having to have double black for never. Again I'm testing my list now and will hopefully have a better idea after Friday. I always forget that nature's way is damage to a creature and not fight. I'd have to go back and look at my list and see where I could put it, I also have defence in the board vs. having it main, won't know until after testing if this is a good idea

June 21, 2017 10:59 p.m.

PoorParagon says... #6

Full handed army was a better name :(

Got most of the pieces and gonna try to try this tomorrow at FNM. I was thinking maybe drop a cub, bristling hydra, and a confiscation coup for essence scatters. What you think?

Also I been playtesting and I've been able to keep a full hand each turn for the most part,the only problem is having trouble hitting kefnet. Have you tried a 3 of or is that too much?

June 23, 2017 9:38 a.m.

FuryOfTheAge says... #7

I actually picked up a third Kefnet the Mindful because I had the same line as thinking as you. I really like him on the field for body, evasion, and as a draw engine. It would also help in getting the nut draw. Not really sure what to take out though. Probably the PW.

If you read the bottom of my guide, you're on my line of thinking again. Essence Scatter seems like it can help to really screw over your opponent when they drop something big for an important term. I may stick 2-3 in for Saturday Showdown tomorrow and let you know it how goes.

June 23, 2017 9:07 p.m.