MTG Combo: Pentavus + Prototype Portal

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powerbottom on Advertise your MODERN deck!

6 years ago

This is one of my first decks ive made with "unique" mechanics. Its artifact// and made of only cards which I own, so any suggestions should be very budget. I fell in love with a Pentavus + Prototype Portal combo and used things like Clock of Omens, Manalith and a bunch of draw cards to feed this mana hungry combo token deck.

There are plenty of semi-infinite combos, such as being able to double your land every turn with Clock of Omens + Darksteel Citadel + Prototype Portal but I need help smoothing out the gameplay.

Although the effects are quite powerfull, I don't think it really beats out a cheap Selesnya token deck at the moment. I need help finding (budget) ways to give my artifacts extra abilities like first strike or indestructible.

Prototype Pentavus

Modern* powerbottom