Sunstrike Legionnaire and multiple creatures ETB simulateously... can use his ability more than once?
Asked by CamraMaan 2 years ago
Pretty simple question... Sunstrike Legionnaire is on the BF and I cast Release the Dogs... due to the timing of everything my assumption would be that I can only use the Legionnaire's tap ability once for the spell, but I can't seem to find any info one this. My hope is that I can use it for each Dog that enters the battlefield, but I'm not sure. Thanks in advance! :)
Yesterday says... Accepted answer #1
You can do that.
When four creatures enter the battlefield simulataniously, Sunstrike Legionnaire's ability triggers four times. You control these triggers and put them on the stack, FWIW in the order of your choosing. Once they're on the stack, they'll resolve sequentially, and each one will only resolve after priority has been passed by all players. Each player can take actions between each of these abilities resolving, including you tapping the Sunstrike Legionnaire.
May 8, 2022 1:57 p.m.