Specific cards vs rules

Asked by Sikening 10 years ago

So my friend and I have been playing and trying to figure out some specific rules. The three main ones are:

Does Courser of Kruphix break the one land per turn rule?Can Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge cast a card's overload cost, with cards such as Mizzium Mortars ?

Can Daxos of Meletis cast a card's overload cost?

Any help would be appreciated.

Sorry if I messed up some card names. I'm on my phone and cards aren't on hand at the moment.

raithe000 says... Accepted answer #1

  1. No. You can still only play one land per turn with Courser. For an example where you can play more than one land, see Oracle of Mul Daya .

2/3. Jeleva does not allow you to overload the card you cast, as overloading is an alternate cost to casting the spell, but Jeleva already has set up an alternate cost (not paying any mana) and you can't pay two different alternate costs for the same spell.

You can overload a card with Daxos, as it does not provide an alternate cost when it allows you to cast it.

August 27, 2014 5:23 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #2

  1. No, with Courser of Kruphix you may only cast the land if you already hadn't played one that turn.
  2. You are not allowed to use Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge to use the overload effect since you are only paying it's mana cost not any additional effects.
  3. With Daxos of Meletis you are allowed to cast overload effects because it does not restrict you to only paying the cards mana cost, but instead the whole card entirely.
August 28, 2014 12:02 a.m.

Sikening says... #3


How about Jeleva casting a fused card? Could she cast both halves of something like Turn / Burn ?

August 28, 2014 5:46 a.m.

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