retribution of the ancients: must I target creaturettopay the costs?
Asked by GarrySnail 8 years ago
I have on the battlefield:
a sacrifice outlet
a creature with undying
free mana
the question: when the opponent doesn't have a creature, do I have to target a creature of mine with retribution of the ancients ability in order to remove the counter from the undying creature? or can I just pay the cost, target nothing or something illegal, in order to fizzle the ability. I only want to remove the counter, of course without loosing a creature...
yes you must pick a target with the ability. this is what you could do:
1) activate the ability by paying black and removing the counters from the creature with undying. this puts the ability on the stack, as removing the counters is part of the activation cost.
2) sac the undying creature to the sac outlet.
3) ability from Retribution of the Ancients is countered due to its target no longer being there.
4) repeat as many times as you have the mana to pay.
this is a combo with Phyrexian Altar and Blood Artist in play. As you sac the undying creature for black, and repeat till you win.
September 21, 2016 11:03 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #3
As long as your sac outlet is instant speed, or your undying creature has toughness greater than 1 you can just target your undying creature with the retribution.
September 21, 2016 11:03 p.m.
pskinn01, I'm pretty sure you're saying to target the undying creature that you're going to sacrifice, yes? You left that bit out of your explanation (and it's kind of important).
September 22, 2016 3:25 p.m.
@ sonnet666: yup, thinking faster than typing sometimes. Thanks for the catch.
acbooster says... Accepted answer #1
You have to choose a legal target when you go to use any ability that targets. If the target becomes illegal or isn't there when the ability resolves it'll do nothing, but you have to choose a legal target when you go to activate the ability.
September 21, 2016 8:48 p.m.