Retribution of the Ancients

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Retribution of the Ancients


, Remove X +1/+1 counters from among creatures you control: Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn.

Santiago1011 on Gisa: So Undead It’s Criminal

9 months ago

Hey Profet93, yeah I can explain!

Basically, Hex Parasite's activated requires you to pay a (in our case, we'd opt for the 2 life most of the time) and amount of mana to remove X counters from a target. The key here is that unlike some newer cards, Hex Parasite does NOT say that X must be greater than zero.

That means we can pay 2 life for the phyrexian black, and 0 mana fr X to remove 0 counters from TARGET permenant. This is important because the targetting of opponents creatures is what we're after here. The same premise works for Retribution of the Ancients where you pay a to activate and remove 0 counters from permenants you control to give target creature -0/-0. The ability still resolves as normal even though nothing 'happens'. Gisa of course does have something happen from this targeting though.

So ideally you play U-Saga turn 1-2, ramp on turn 2-3, get Hex Parasite and cast Gisa on turn 4, and by turn 5 have Gisa, HP, and 8 zombie tokens for the price of 8 life.

All that said, I think Victory Chimes is the best Gisa trigger in the deck since you don't hurt yourself using it and it has no mana cost to activate AND you can use it on every single player's turn. It's just harder to get out due to cmc and not tutorable with U-Saga

Rehhtahn on Target..... nevermind

2 years ago

I will definitely look at Retribution of the Ancients and Shadow Alley Denizen to add.

And I agree, Horobi, Death's Wail is one of my favorites. So much fun, and can be so disruptive, it completely shuts down equipment and creature enchantment decks. I had been trying to build a deck around him forever.

My favorite is Horobi with Endless Whispers.

Yogie on Vampire Deatheaters

2 years ago

lhetrick13 & kamarupa - Vampire Deatheathers have been updated (22-07-19). In short:

  • I liked the suggestion of Retribution of the Ancients and I've playtested with two copies, which feel like enough.

  • Two copies of Sign in Blood work great.

  • I choose Stensia Masquerade over Rakish Heir and other first strike instant spells since Stensia Masquerade fills both roles well enough, leaving me with space for other cards.

  • Even though Sanguine Bond has a higher CMC I personally like it better since enchantments are more protected. But I see them as almost equal and a choice based on personal preference more than anything.

Next in line for tweaking is Immortal Knights followed by my dragon deck.

On a sidenote, does tappedout have a chat option? Could be nice to discuss decks over DMs rather than comments :p

Crazyjala on Elenda, Blood Bomb

2 years ago

If someone's card is being sticky and annoying. It's not part of the engine but it's potentially useful with your commander. Retribution of the Ancients

Yogie on Vampire Deatheaters

2 years ago

lhetrick13 - I’m glad you like the deck! After my Dragons this is probably my strongest deck (at least locally).

I chose Sanguine Bond over Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose in the past due to budget reasons. When he released he got expensive fairly quickly, and then I forgot about him. Looking at him now he seems to have dropped somewhat in price and I might reconsider. Sanguine Bond’s CMC is high and that’s why I’m only playing two copies and using it as a secondary win condition. I wont bore you with my budget philosophy, but me and my friends have decided to play on a smaller budget than most.

Artifact/enchantment removal is one of the deck’s weaknesses as you say, but I haven’t found a card to fill that role yet. Protection and breaching strong defences are two others points where the deck stumbles.

I can honestly say that I’ve misread the text on Stolen Vitality xD I agree, Vampiric Fury is better.

Retribution of the Ancients is an interesting card, one that I haven’t seen before. I like that if I kill a creature, part of the counters spent could be repaid too. Like is said in another comment, this deck needs a few tweaks in my opinion and I’ll keep Retribution of the Ancients in mind as I experiment in future. Other card on my mind are Rakish Heir vs Stensia Masquerade and Gravitic Punch as an alternative to trample.

I hope your plans for a vampire deck of your own goes well! Drop me a line when you’ve made it :D

lhetrick13 on Vampire Deatheaters

2 years ago

Yogei - I like the deck man! Vampires are one of the tribes I really want to get into as there are so many to choose from and they tend to have some pretty nasty abilities associated with them.

About the only thing that stands out to me is I am surprised you are running Sanguine Bond over Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose. I know creatures are much more prone to removal than enchantments but 5 CMC is expensive for something that is exactly the same as the ability of a 3 CMC creature. The fact that he can also provide mass lifelink as well provides a game winning combo. Maybe the other weakness is the lack of artifact/enchantment removal. Nothing worse that an opponent playing Ensnaring Bridge or Ghostly Prison to royally ruin a good time.

I am also surprised you like Stolen Vitality over Vampiric Fury. Both cost the same and with but Stolen Vitality hits one creature while Fury swings wider hitting all your vamps. You lose the ability to give trample but I think the wider swing is worth it.

With your +1/+1 counter synergy, ever consider adding in Retribution of the Ancients for your main removal card? It could replace Urge to Feed and the nice thing is, it allows you to hit many creatures. I experimented with that card in my +1/+1 counter deck (I'll Raise you +1/+1...) and it can do work.

I got two decks to play test this month but this deck may be the motivation I need to sit down and make a vampire deck!

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