Interaction between worldslayer, ravenous trap and second sunrise
Asked by Yosaj 10 years ago
Correct me if i am wrong. can a turn play out as such
3 untapped Plains, 1 in hand Ravenous Trap, 1 Second Sunrise in hand and 1 creature unblocked equiped with Worldslayer
----begin damagstep---- 3 Plains damage is dealt, activating Worldslayer. cast Second Sunrise immediately responding with Ravenous Trap targeting my opponent exiling their graveyard and returning everything to my side of the field for only 3 mana.
----end damage step----
i feel i can because mana tapping don't use the stack and at the end of the phase i gain priority allowing me to cast my spells before the phase end dissolves my mana
So you would actually do the damage, then, in response to the Worldslayer trigger, float the mana. Then you can cast Second Sunrise and respond to your own spell by casting Ravenous Trap.
All I have to say is that you are cruel, sir. Very, very cruel.
Epochalyptik says... Accepted answer #1
First, Worldslayer has a triggered ability. It isn't activated.
You're correct. You can float mana and then use it later within the same step.
January 28, 2015 7:45 p.m.