Distortion Strike Rule question and combination.
Asked by Upyron 6 years ago
Distortion Strike can be use at infinite (unless is counter) or not ?
because it's write (at the beginning of your next upkeep) is just next turn i think in pratic just 2 turns?
and a question about that if someone use Twincast is it repeat?
is someone use a spell to leave out that card during exile phase, to bring into deck, hand or graveyard waht happens ?thanks so much
oky isn't possible copy Distortion Strike from Twincast and understand why ;).
i don't understand how long is working this Rebound "effect" i think for 2 upkeep(at the beginning of your next upkeep) and after is put on graveyard or exile.
An card like Oracle of Dust can take an card from exile into his or her graveyard what happen, during Distortion Strike is in the exil ? where go xDDDD
March 6, 2018 8:17 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #3
Rebound gives you one extra cast on the next upkeep. The wording on rebound specifies that it only exiles itself to be recast if you cast it from your hand (the card is cast from exile when it casts on your next upkeep). So it will go to the grave yard after it is rebounded.
If a card with rebound is removed from exile it will not be cast on the next upkeep.
March 6, 2018 8:29 p.m.
"At the beginning of your upkeep, all delayed triggered abilities created by rebound effects trigger"
So at infinite Rebound effect work, unless it'll countered OK
If removed and bring to somewhere from exil Rebound effect will not triggered OK
is that correct ? can you confirm cheers!
March 6, 2018 8:57 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #8
The first statement is incorrect. Rebound only works once. It is only exiles and casts on your upkeep if you cast it from your hand. After it is cast from exile it goes to the grave yard.
The second statement is correct in essence. (There are intricacies that only matter in corner cases that are wrong but you don't need to worry about them).
March 6, 2018 9:54 p.m.
ok Thanks so much, evrething clear, is possible close this thread :)
March 6, 2018 10:49 p.m.
Gidgetimer says... #10
If you select an answer it be move it out of the unanswered queue. People will still be able to comment but it will be apparent that you do not need further clarification.
March 6, 2018 11:10 p.m.
thanks, i tried many times to " move it out of the unanswered queue" but i'm retarded i really don't know ;)
legendofa says... Accepted answer #1
Distortion Strike, and other Rebound cards, do not keep casting themselves every upkeep. The key phrase on Distortion Strike is "If you cast this spell from your hand". The Rebound effect casts it from exile, so it would be put into your graveyard normally. For Twincast, the copy is never "cast," it's just put onto the stack. The copy doesn't rebound. Does this help?
March 6, 2018 7:56 p.m.