All will be one —Feb. 18, 2023

Well with Phyerxia All will be one out, I can now upgrade more the deck :)

This will be a short update though, because the only card i added for now is Atraxa, Grand Unifierfoil in replacement for an expensive card draw (Stroke of Genius). I did play it in pre release events, and it is amazing. A lot of people are saying this is a version 2 of Griselbrand, and although it is not as strong, it definitely is powerfull enough to fetch 6 good cards on ETB (+ some really good stats as a bonus lol)!

I thought about adding some of the new dominuses, but they doesnt fit that well into my deck IMHO. (Well i aslo swapped Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant by Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant for pure esthetic upgrade)