Venser Flicker Control, Azorious midrange

Modern* Allkin06


modern open —Sept. 27, 2018

Out: -3 Spreading Seas In: +1 cloudshift +1 Spell Snare +1 Hieroglyphic illumination


Out: -1 jace Architect of thought -1 Rest in Peace -1 Blessed alliance In: +1 Worship +1 Settle the Wreckage +1 Lyra Dawnbringer

I took this deck to the open last month and went 4-3 drop day one. Spreading seas was just not the house I was hoping it would be, it does nothing against humans which I saw twice or hallowed one which I play against two times as well. very disappointing to say the least....while it is a house against Tron I really feel as if Tron is not as popular as a deck as it once was as I did not see it at all day one. With the coming of ASS TROPHY I think a Spell Snare main might be a good option. With the lack of draw from spreading seas I also think hieroglyphic illumination has its merits and is worth testing. I am also testing a singleton copy of cloudshift to add to synergy to the deck, I think a one of is right for this card as I don't want to see it when I need something else. I believe adding three more instants warrants my second copy of Snapcaster Mage because he as well was a dead draw a lot of the time with the lack of instants I was playing.

Sideboard: I added in a Worship with the aggro meta and it has paid off...BIG TIME. Settle the Wreckage straight up won me a few games post board and I am kicking myself for not using it earlier.