Mayael, the Master of Monsters



Reorganization of the Peaks! —June 30, 2020

Personally, I really like how the deck has been playing. It has truly shined and has really come out into its own and one of my Strongest decks. Its resilient and always causes an impact on the table. I was about to make my Update, and Noticed how while I did organize my Cards into certain categories, They... were not as niche and generally served a broader, other category while providing the additional, intended value. To that End, I have reorganized the columns to be a little more accurate to face value. I am still playing with some M21 cards, but honestly, there's maybe only 1 real card I have thrown in. Thus...

Naya Charm -------------------------------> Terror of the Peaks:

Longtime fans will know that I had both versions of Warstorm Surge in the deck previously, and admittedly, the card has been missed. When I saw this card, I knew it had to go in Mayael. I had to put it in. Now, I freely admit that there was a time that I had taken Naya Charm out of my deck: To its credit, its ability to tap out an opponents creatures to bring something out of my graveyard is very helpful. However, thanks to the Eldrazi in here, Recursion is sort of a... Non-Issue for me, unless the game is becoming Archenemy (which is not totally out of the Norm). I have tried so hard to make the Charm work... but Compared to the Terror, its completely blown out of the water. Being able to hit a Warstorm Surge off of Mayael's abilities is incredible, and it has been an absolute MONSTER thanks to the Fatties. A New, Welcome addition to the Devastators in this deck.