Ixalan Park

Commander / EDH CardTyrant

SCORE: 458 | 190 COMMENTS | 58715 VIEWS | IN 223 FOLDERS

Upvote Goal —April 25, 2020

Let's try to get this deck to 300 upvotes by the end of the quarantine. :D

Still struggling with what cards I should take out. But don't worry, I have been looking though it and thinking about the deck.

CardTyrant says... #1

SpeedOfLightning - I don't run Scroll Rack because I cannot find one for cheap. The Cavern of Souls I run I was lucky and got it for only $30 thanks to a contest I won, and I was able to get a few other lands with it. I sure can look at your deck. :D

kalfred16 - Molten Echoes wouldn't be too bad. Shame a lot of my creatures are legendary or enter f

April 8, 2020 10:53 p.m.