I have a vision (of me winning)

Commander / EDH Mastertoa

SCORE: 57 | 110 COMMENTS | 14577 VIEWS | IN 26 FOLDERS

As Good As The Going Gets —May 22, 2016

Short of Mishra's Workshop and Mana Crypt, neither of which i will be getting anytime soon, this deck has essentially reached completion. i intentionally lack counterspells to ensure that i have to think about how to combo safely, and overall, this is my favorite deck, and the one i break out when the going gets tough. i'd like to give a BIG "Thank You" to everyone who has contributed to my vision on this wonderful journey. It's been great to examine ll of your suggestions as this deck has evolved.

ZeGinger says... #1

I've used your deck as inspiration to build my own muzzio, which isn't 100% complete (no crypt or other special artifacts xD) and I'm loving the way it plays. I have already gotten the mycosynth/clock/muzzio combo off with Future Sight and infinite mana in play. I felt dirty and proud at the same time xD thanks for the list! +1

May 18, 2016 1:11 a.m.

Mastertoa says... #2

I'm truly flattered. thank you. And i know exactly how you feel. i once drew into rings monolith on t3 naturally, and then hit staff of domination off the first muzzio activation. it's like, on the one hand, poor guy, and on the other hand MUHAHAHAHAHAHA. you are very welcome for the list, and feel free to ask me anything or share any ideas.

May 18, 2016 1:31 a.m.