Breya, Etherium C-C-Combo Breaker!

Commander / EDH KailDaemon

SCORE: 89 | 129 COMMENTS | 27080 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS

Small but powerful land swap —April 18, 2017

Since im no longer running a Mindslaver lock, and Amonket being sweet with a wonderful combo in my deck, ive decided to swap Academy Ruins for Sunscorched Desert. It combos wonderfully with the Worldgorger Loop and gives us another effective win condition, it can also produce that to help with an eldrazi displacer in a pinch.

KailDaemon says... #1

Hey man, been a few months

Yea ive been looking to cut 2 lands and tech in some stuff to deal with removal, it looks like a more selective toxic deluge and ill probably tech it in and try it out. Currently looking to get my hands on an imperial seal and a timetwister currently.

April 6, 2017 3:53 p.m.

HezTheGod says... #2

I would add Dramatic Reversal just for the infinite mana combo with Isochron Scepter (along with eggs)

April 14, 2017 1:47 a.m.

KailDaemon says... #3


The eggs build is damn good also, however this build isnt eggs so the reversal isnt necessary here, this is more along the lines of combo control with reliable means of getting our pieces together

April 14, 2017 1:50 a.m.

HezTheGod says... #4

@KailDaemon Eggs is definitely very good. I'm not saying you should transition to all in eggs but I think you already have enough rocks to go infinite with the combo I suggested above.

April 14, 2017 1:58 a.m.

KailDaemon says... #5

I like it, and at one point there was dramatic reversal and paradox engine in here, but i found i ended up not ever wanting to have either in my hand once ive drawn them due to them not being ideal at the time when i already had most of another combo either in hand or in board, same reason i took out anything sharuum related as it only diluted my consistency by the deck trying to do too much. They were eventually swapped out for ad nauseam and angels grace and i was in the right direction towards making the deck better with draw power (which i was lacking at the time) and i noticed a drastic change in deck performance. I feel since i offer a doomsday package i sacrifice the option of an eggs package. With how this deck can operate i feel its either Eggs or Doomsday, a hybrid of the two is just too diluted to function at a high competitive meta which is what my list is for.

April 14, 2017 2:08 a.m.