Combos Browse all Suggest
Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Veiled Shade
Creature — Shade
: Veiled Shade gets +1/+1 until of turn.

pinballtaco on
Mono-Black Midrange (Seeking Post Rotation Help)
6 years ago
multimedia Thanks for this! It's really replacing Gifted Aetherborn that had me most concerned, but your 2 drop suggestions have me feeling better about it. I thought about maybe trying Veiled Shade in it's place, but not sure if that would leave me with too many 3 drops. Doomfall was also a good darkhorse, if you will, in this deck. I can likely replace it with more early game removal to get by without it.
As for going Golgari, I'm going to try to keep it mono-black as much as possible. I have a Gruul Dino deck that's been kicking ass, so I feel like I could easily be happy adding some into this deck if it comes to that point.
Have (3) | ItzJustChaos , Bex496 , reikitavi |
Want (0) |