MTG Articles

Pattern Recognition # 288 - Transmute Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 July 06 by berryjon

When is a card not a card? Not when it transforms into another permanent, like a Ninja, but when it can transform into (almost) anything else in your deck. Today, berryjon gives a short talk about this mechanic from OG Ravnica.

Pattern Recognition #287 - SuperFriends Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 June 29 by berryjon

Jace and his Friends (I'm sure he has some) are a cornerstone of the game today. But what makes a deck tick when it focuses on Planeswalkers? Today, berryjon summarizes how the Superfriends archetype works, with an eye to the future Precon deck!

Pattern Recognition # 286 - Rituals Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 June 22 by berryjon

Hello everyone! This week, berryjon talks a bit about the nature of Dark Ritual, how it works, why it works, and what has been done with it over the years. Come for the article, stay for the Apex of Power!

Pattern Recognition #285 - Aristocrats Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 June 08 by berryjon

Hello everyone! Today, berryjon looks at a classic archetype that wasn't really codified until 2012, when some noble vampires entered the scene.

Pattern Recognition #284 - A New Set - Blue Commons Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 June 01 by berryjon

Guess what I haven't touched in a year! My in-house developing set for Magic! Wow, some of my choices seem to be biting me in retrospect, but who cares? Welcome back to _Solle: The Rising Sun_!

Pattern Recognition #283 - Cascade Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 May 25 by berryjon

Ah, Cascade. Such a fun little mechanic that has had it's ups and downs. Today, berryjon takes a look at this card, from the cheapest outlet to the most expensive monster you can cast.

Pattern Recognition #282 - One Ping Only Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 May 18 by berryjon

What's better than tapping someone to let them know something bad is happening? When they see it coming a mile away! Today, berryjon looks at a tertiary effect in Red Deck Wins decks, and how they work.

Pattern Recognition #281 - Order Matters Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 May 11 by berryjon

What rule do all of you break, but never mean to? And yet in breaking this rule, you change nothing and no one cares? Today, berryjon cares enough to remind you that 404.2 is still on the books, and what it used to mean!

Pattern Recognition #280 - Yarr, What Do I See? Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 May 04 by berryjon

Today, berryjon puts on his Pirate hat, and goes looking for something that we can all get behind. And no, it's not Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, although come to think of it, he is relevant.

Pattern Recognition #279 - Sorceries and Instants No More! Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 April 27 by berryjon

Clickbait title aside, today berryjon tries to imagine how one of Mark Rosewater's lamentations about the design of the game could have gone down, and how it could have affected the game as the years go by. What do you think?

Pattern Recognition #278 - Conspiracy Draft Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 April 13 by berryjon

From last week's talk about taking the Crown, to this week's subject - just what was that game mode, and how did it work? Well, today, berryjon summarizes Conspiracy for those who didn't get to play it 10-ish years ago.

Pattern Recognition #277 - First of Her Name Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 April 06 by berryjon

Queen Marchesa is in the house, and she's not happy with these Phyrexians getting in the way of a good game of politics. So, what is the nature of her politics? Today, berryjon introduces the multiplayer mechanic Monarch.

Pattern Recognition #276 - Eternal Issues Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 March 30 by berryjon

There's a fundamental problem with one of the driving forces behind the game right now, and I've seen it before in other games. Today, berryjon gets on his soap-box and makes a case for why we need to stop focusing so much on Modern and Commander.

Pattern Recognition #275 - The Cards that Actually Broke the Game Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 March 23 by berryjon

Today's click-bait title aside, berryjon looks at an overview of a set of cards, and a relevant mechanic that actually broke the game, necessitating some serious responses from Wizards.

Those were dark days, back in 2005, let me tell you.

Pattern Recognition #274 - Slow Grow 4 - The Finale Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 March 16 by berryjon

This week, berryjon ends his Slow Grow tournament! With a bang? With a whimper? Read inside to find out, and suggest anything he could have done better!

Pattern Recognition #273 - Slow Grow 4 - Weeks 3 and 4 Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 March 02 by berryjon

berryjon recounts his experiences with the middle third of this year's Slow Grow Tournament! And he has a special guest star at the end as well. Read, comment, suggest! There's still time for him to adjust things for Weeks 5 and 6.

Pattern Recognition #272 - Power Creep Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 February 23 by berryjon

Round and Round we go, ever upwards. And where we'll end, no one knows. Today, berryjon describes something has killed games in the past, and Magic itself is not immune to.

Pattern Recognition #271 - Slow Grow 4, Part 1 Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 February 16 by berryjon

It's here! My tournament! My people! My skill tested against other decks that start out just plain better than mine! It's Slow Grow, Weeks 1 and 2! I need help. Please send help.

Pattern Recognition #270 - Split the Difference Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 February 09 by berryjon

Hello everyone! This week's Pattern Recognition is a rehash of an old subject. Split Cards are not new to the game, but they have found a home in the design of sets, from colour fixing to various options for when you want one colour or another. They're good, solid and dependable, and today, berryjon takes a more in-depth look to them.

Pattern Recognition #269 - Hidden in the Fog Features Opinion Pattern Recognition

2023 February 02 by berryjon

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you simply cannot land a blow. And it isn't your fault. No, it's that stupid card that only costs ! What is it? Look within for today's subject.