Amass the Components

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Amass the Components


Draw three cards, then put a card from your hand on the bottom of your library.

Guerric on [Primer] Unleash the Dragon! *Updated*

1 year ago

Hi everyone! At long last I've updated the list with some of the ancient dragons that I think will work best in the deck list.

The first is, unsurprisingly, Ancient Silver Dragon. I've long wanted a good card draw piece on a stick for this deck, and this is the best we could have hoped for. It's unfortunate that it gives us no maximum hand size since it will be harder to discard dragons that way, but we'll take it anyway. We cut Spellbound Dragon for it. This card was always great utility since we could discard a dragon with it, and at least once it gave me enough commander damage to win the game. That being said, it's one of the weaker links in the deck so he's retired with honors.

The second is actually Ancient Gold Dragon. Kudos to AJohnney101 for pointing this out! It's not just good with Dragon Tempest. It's also good for our other cards that care about the number of dragons attacking, such as Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury who can easily kill a table with enough dragons on board, or to a lesser extend Dromoka, the Eternal. It can also wipe any board with Silumgar, the Drifting Death or add some 6/6s to the 1/1s with Utvara Hellkite. There's just a lot of combos and lines of play here that are really good. We'll cut Kairi, the Swirling Sky for it which isn't super great and certainly nowhere near as great as this.

Ancient Brass Dragon intrigued me initially, but at best it's a second copy of Teneb, the Harvester that doesn't take mana to activate, but which will whiff sometimes. Having a second copy of Teneb is considerable, but the risk of whiffing is as well, so I'm still on the fence.

Ancient Copper Dragon is also amazing and I wouldn't critique anyone adding that, but I think I'm good at the moment with Old Gnawbone and Savage Ventmaw for rampy dragons and am not at the present time investing a slot or money in it.

I also think AJohnney101's suggestion of Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm is intriguing. I can definitely see the value in making copies of not just Miirym but other dragons we want to reanimate, and there would be a lot of fun to be had with mass reanimation on this one. The ward is also not nothing, as this could also be played to nullify removal at Scion if someone holds up one for Path to Exile of can't otherwise pay to overcome the ward. I'll definitely keep this in mind!


Thanks for all the fabulous suggestions! My replies are mostly in the update list above. I also agree that late game we can usually run this deck just fine without Scion. He's a great tool to get us going, but we have lots of tricks to close out the game and a great toolbox.


I don't have Fellwar Stone because I am in green and don't really need many mana rocks. Rampant Growth and its many clones do most of my work here. I've only included Chromatic Lantern because of the incredible utility it provides to my mana base. I can see the case for Faithless Looting or as AJohnney101 suggested Amass the Components and the like. That being said, I in dislike in general one-off effects in a deck like this which often just aren't as useful as a piece that could give me repeat value, but that might be just me!


Thanks for the compliment! For the BG dragons see the update above

As usual, thanks for all of your valuable contributions to the deck and primer. They appreciated!

AJohnney101 on [Primer] Unleash the Dragon! *Updated*

2 years ago

StormageddonBHOJ along those lines, I like running See Beyond and Amass the Components because it lets me draw and shuffle back a big dragon that I'd rather tutor back out with Scion. This is especially true for dragons that protect Scion like Silumgar, the Drifting Death or Quicksilver Dragon.

Dredge4life on Cheapskate Talrand (Competitive, Budget $75!!)

3 years ago

If the plan is to Polymorph, I would cut the Deadeye/Drake package, and just run Oracle/Leveler. I think the better plan is to always know that Talrand is lethal if Mass Polymorph resolves. Other than that, I would probably try and lower the curve a little. Cut some of the more expensive countermagic and run things like Winds of Change and Chain of Vapor. Dispel and Miscast should also be in here, and maybe even Foil for another free hard counter. It’s bad, but we don’t have access to Force, and losing three cards is better than losing the game.

Let’s cut some of the other expensive win cons like Sphinx-Bone Wand to run a few more mana rocks, like Coldsteel Heart and Sky Diamond. We only have one primary win condition now, but it’s much more effective and resilient, and we can keep our combat damage backup plan. If we really wanted to, we could play Proteus Staff to try and stack our deck in the event we draw both combo pieces/have had them killed, but I think that’s just super greedy and going to be a liability most of the time.

Amass the Components could be See Beyond. That way, we could keep the escape option if we accidentally draw our wincons, but we lower the cost by two. We could also shave Distant Melody and replace it with Chart a Course. It might be less cards total, but it’s half the price, and is always letting us see two cards. Careful Study could be in here too.

That’s all I can think of for now, but I really like this concept. Mostly, we just really need to bring down this curve. Best of luck!

Copied from my response on reddit.

MagicMarc on What mad science am I …

4 years ago

In case you have not seen these. Here are a couple in a "Frankenstein's Monster" kind of theme.

Brain in a Jar, Scour the Laboratory, Amass the Components, Alchemist's Apprentice. Including the Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde card as well; Civilized Scholar  Flip.

And, in case you wanted to see the lineup for the Delver of Secrets  Flip series, you can see all three here: Once It Was Human.

I am a fan of mad scientist decks, have fun building your deck.

rasck on Talrand Mass Polymorph Combo

4 years ago

From your list it looks like a quite competetive meta you are in. So my suggestions might be off as im used to a very casual meta. You could try to get more cards that can put combo pieces back into the deck
Glimmer of Genius --> Dream Cache
Frantic Search or Radical Idea --> Amass the Components
Maybe Teferi can help you a bit with sorting cards and then give gas wheen needed
Trail of Evidence --> Teferi, Temporal Archmage

Turnabout Can also give a lot of gas or be used to get you out of a tricky situation

In my deck i have some token generators to replace Talrand if he get's hated. I think they might be too slow for you, but anyway here goes: Metallurgic Summonings, Stolen by the Fae (really wish it was instant...) and Rise from the Tides

Optimator on Human Fly

4 years ago

I know you're looking for non-wheel card draw. I don't love cantrips in EDH unless there is a number-of-spells-matters effect in play but they can smooth out a deck a bit. Ponder , Preordain , Portent , Sleight of Hand , Serum Visions , etc. The sweet spot in around 3-5 CMC for me, ideally drawing CMC -1 but there aren't a ton of spells that efficient. I don't love Divination in EDH (2 for 3) but it's the gold-standard in 60-card decks for a quickie hand refill. There are tons of efficient cards like Divination too.

There are a ton of "draw 3, discard 1" for 4 or 5 mana, which are okay. Sift , Trial of Knowledge , and Amass the Components , for example. Many are costed for being commons, which isn't where you wanna be in EDH. There should be plenty of good, efficient cards to draw from though. At the same time, you have a lot of great high-CMC draw, like Consecrated Sphinx and Thought Reflection, so having a few Divination effects might smooth out your draws.

Some suggestions: Concentrate , Windfall , Cathartic Reunion , Plea for Power , Tidings , Nin, the Pain Artist , Finale of Revelation , Mind Spring , Braingeyser , Stroke of Genius , Blue Sun's Zenith , Fact or Fiction , Chart a Course , Ugin's Insight , Treasure Cruise , Dig Through Time , Kumena's Awakening , Fevered Visions , Honden of Seeing Winds , Reverse Engineer , Read the Runes , Precognitive Perception , Distant Memories , Arcane Encyclopedia , Endless Atlas , Trail of Evidence , Theft of Dreams , Borrowing 100,000 Arrows , Nezahal, Primal Tide , Kefnet the Mindful , Cavalier of Gales , Combustible Gearhulk , Thassa, God of the Sea , Shared Discovery , Secrets of the Golden City , Vivisection , Weight of Memory , Recurring Insight , Breakthrough , Niv-Mizzet, Parun , Deep Analysis , Gush , Invoke the Firemind , Expansion / Explosion , Chandra, Flamecaller , Dragon Mage , Wild Guess , Tormenting Voice , Arch of Orazca , Runehorn Hellkite , Conqueror's Galleon  Flip, Kraum, Ludevic's Opus , Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist , Commune with Lava .

Cloudius on Should I run more Card …

5 years ago

bushido_man96 Thanks for the suggestions!

I may give Snake Umbra and Tandem Lookout a try. Probably taking out Dizzy Spell and Foresee or Amass the Components .

Frantic Search is too good to remove as the untap effect doubles up as ramp most of the time, given the number of "enchant land" auras I play.

Adding in unblockables, while synergisitic with the Card Draw Engines, does dilute the deck away from its original concept of Gunners Battalion. Blighted Agent is a possible addition as he's unblockable and can act as an alternate wincon. I didn't include him as Agent draws a lot of hate once he hits the battlefield.

bushido_man96 on Should I run more Card …

5 years ago

I like your deck idea here. As for your suggestions, I think I would try to switch in Snake Umbra , Ophidian Eye , and Tandem Lookout for some of your loot effects, like Frantic Search , Amass the Components , and Compulsive Research . I think you should also consider running some little unblockable dudes, like Metathran Soldier , who will benefit from these enchantments.

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