Rousing Refrain repeat??

Asked by Swebb87 2 years ago

Hi if someone casts Rousing Refrain from their hand, and resolves, it then goes to suspend (exile) and happens again in 3 turns unless you pay to remove the time counter earlier, does it then resolve into Suspend (exile) and just keep repeating this loop unless it gets countered??

Polaris says... Accepted answer #1

Yes, Rousing Refrain is designed to loop every third turn once cast. It's a callback to a cycle from Future Sight of spells that would loop after being cast (Arc Blade, Reality Strobe, etc). As long as a card that has suspend is in exile with time counters on it, it will remove one at the beginning of your upkeep and cast for free when the last is removed.

Normally, though, there's no way to pay to remove time counters earlier. The only cards I can think of that do it are Paradox Haze, which gives you an extra upkeep a turn to trigger abilities including suspend, and cards like Clockspinning, Jhoira's Timebug, and Dust of Moments that are expressly made to adjust suspend counts. A normal card with suspend has no way to get cast faster on its own.

April 21, 2022 5:23 p.m.

Swebb87 says... #2

That's excellent thank you Polaris. For the explanation and extra detail! Really interesting

April 21, 2022 5:43 p.m.

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