Reverse the Sands

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Dandan Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Judge's Tower Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Reverse the Sands


Redistribute any number of players' life totals. (Each of those players gets one life total back.)

ghostfire86 on Life, Lich's Phylactery

1 year ago

I’ve got two games in with this deck so far at my LGS. Already got some choice changes to make such as adding Reverse the Sands, and Mischievous Poltergeist.

Viscera Seer is a cut option to me.

I don’t plan to use enchantress draw package here.

Glacial Chasm also will be in here. The cumulative upkeep will deplete me while everything else protects me.

Wound Reflection is also on table as an option, but I’d prefer creature heavier effects. This means Archfiend of Despair is a viable addition, but I need to be careful of my mana curve when considering this.

griffstick on UW Sting

2 years ago

Soul Conduit

Mirror Universe

Axis of Mortality

Reverse the Sands

These all seem like they are solid ways to drain life in UW in my opinion.

TheoryCrafter on Why Are You Hitting Yourself

2 years ago

Have you considered Reverse the Sands? I think it will.go well with your deck. Happy Hunting!

Named_Tawyny on Reverse the Sands and Boon/Wound …

2 years ago

Yes. In your situation, you would gain 10 life, while your opponent loses 10 life when you cast Reverse the Sands.

From the rules "119.5. If an effect sets a player’s life total to a specific number, the player gains or loses the necessary amount of life to end up with the new total."

DemonDragonJ on Reverse the Sands and Boon/Wound …

2 years ago

In this scenario, one player has 20 life and another player has 10 life. The player with 10 life controls both Boon Reflection and Wound Reflection and then casts Reverse the Sands, giving themselves 20 life and the other player 10 life.

Is each player considered to have gained or lost life, in this scenario? Will the abilities of the enchantments work with redistributing the life totals?

TheRealSpecialK on Ah Ah Ah Ah Stayin' Alive!!!

3 years ago

Omniscience_is_life - Profane Transfusion has been an interesting card to try to slot in. When it came out, I was excited because it seems to be exactly what this deck is trying to do. But the more I looked at it, the more I realized that it is just too expensive. Consider the closest thing to it with Reverse the Sands. Reverse the Sands, at , is one mana less, and hits all players. That is such better value then what Profane Transfusion offers. This deck doesn't really care about having one big creature, so it's not like there is extra value in having that, (unless the fringe moments where you have out something like Temple of Aclazotz).

I thought about switching out a number of cards for Profane Transfusion, and each time it just felt like it was too expensive to justify the switch. In the case of Soul Conduit, having the ability to instant speed switch life totals on a stick seems of more value in the long game than the one-time Sorcery speed effect of Profane Transfusion - even if it ends up costing more in the long run.

mrdehring on From Dusk 'til Dawn

3 years ago

I like the lifegain/lifedrain aspects of this deck. But I think you are missing an important extort card in Crypt Ghast

With the up and down changes to your life total you may want to look at cards like Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip, Reverse the Sands, and Axis of Mortality

Mass removal and reanimation seems like a good sub theme, but where are your big heavy hitters to reanimate? Sepulchral Primordial seems like an auto include in this style of deck. Due to your creatures being more value engines than big hitters Single Combat might not be the wrath you want.

ZendikariWol on What ledgendaries excited you the …

4 years ago

Honesty? High key wanna just use Evra as a blocker and Reverse the Sands myself every turn.

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