Made a Little Combo, Griselbrand + angels mercy

Modern Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 13, 2015, 10:06 a.m. by car

Ok. So i made a deck called The 18 Mana Combo. It uses grisy and mercy to draw out your deck and then casts a spirit who casts your praetors. The mana it costs can range from 18 mana, to 3 mana. take a look. thanks.

Lame_Duck says... #2

You need to have at least 7 life to be able to activate Griselbrand's ability, casting Angel's Grace won't let you draw your entire deck with him.

December 13, 2015 10:16 a.m. Edited.

Lame_Duck says... #3

If you want a replacement that does something similar to what you're attempting, Children of Korlis is the best option I know of. It doesn't automatically draw your entire deck, but it effectively lets you double the number of times you can activate Grisel in a turn, which, if you draw another Children, can lead to drawing everything.

December 13, 2015 10:27 a.m.

Murpy says... #4

Lame duck is right, the combo doesn't work if you don't have 7 life, and paying life will bring you to 0 and not 1, since it isn't damage.

December 13, 2015 11 a.m.

Monsmtg says... #5

Whenever someone says Lame_Duck I think they're being mean to the person above them lol.

December 13, 2015 3:05 p.m.

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