The Speed of White (4-1 FNM)

Standard scramblebaby


1st place! 3-0! —May 12, 2014

It was a small tournament with only 3 rounds but I managed to win all 3.

Round 1 vs. Devotion to U. 2-1. This match-up isn't bad. I can usually get over the early creatures, but with any deck you need an answer for Master of Waves. That was my only loss when he dropped a second Master of Waves.

Round 2 vs. Bant Control. 2-1. In all fairness my opponent got a little mana screwed 3rd game, but much like any other U/W/x list, I know how to play around it and what to sideboard. I can usually get 6-10 damage in before they drop their Supreme Verdict or Detention Sphere. And Mutavault handles both those nicely.

Round 3 vs. Junk Hexproof. 2-1. Pretty intense match-up since this deck moves quickly and is hard to put a stop to. Once again though I win the speed race. Drop an anthem effect and overwhelm. Twice I was able Brave the Elements for victory.