Sultai - The Gifts that Keep on Giving

Modern* T12H


Friday Night Modern - 14 players —Feb. 23, 2018

I did a little testing and "goldfishing" with Jace and I just don't think he is an auto include in every deck that have blue in it. It was super strong in my testing in this particular build so I just put one in the sideboard and that's where it sat 2 of the 3 rounds tonight. Jace just isn't as amazing as everyone thinks in a lot of matchups in my opinion.

Round 1 vs Budget Elves 2-1 Win

This version ran the forest walk lord which was pretty good verse my deck that happens to have a few forests. Game 1 I gifted for the EE/Ruins lock at 5 life. Needed one turn to set it up after casting gifts and I had two blockers and he had two creatures. He miracles a Revenge of the Hunted and gets me exactly lethal....pretty epic. Game 2 a early Liliana, the Last Hope, which I sided 2 of tonight, won the game with an ultimate. Then Game 3 I controlled the board with a Damnation and milled my opponent out with the flip Jace emblem. It was awesome winning with two different emblems!

Round 2 Vs Illegal Valakut 2-0 Win

He was playing summer bloom and didn't realize it was banned. I actually missed that he was playing a banned card until a passing player mentioned it. I nearly lost Game 1 because of it. I told him to just side them out and it's fine. I won the next game Ghost Quartering 2 of his Valakuts.

Round 3 Vs White Hatebear Eldrazi 2-1 Win

Lost to a unanswered smasher Game 1. It's trample is the main problem for my deck. Game 2 I was able to answer everything and the opponent scooped pretty quick. Game 3 I was able to Rune Snag back to back to keep the board clear for big daddy Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Fateseal, bounced creature, brainstorm, brainstorm, fateseal, brainstorm.....scoop. Even when the board clear (except a smugglers copter) Jace was close to dying the turn after playing. You have to do a lot of work to make Jace good and stick. But yes he is really powerful if landed and protected.

Results 3-0 tied for first

Had a great time with the deck. Super fun to play and tons of interesting decisions with gifts and traverse! Jace may not be in the deck the next time I play. But Liliana the last hope seemed really powerful. Especially with witness!