Grenzo's Gobbos

Commander / EDH joshthor


Maybeboard —Aug. 23, 2016

Empty the Warrens - Might be fantastic. Need to test the deck further to see how good it is. With just one other spell cast it is mana efficient and with our curve and mana doublers it is not hard to think we could cast 3 or 4 spells before it. Our problem is our deck wants to dump its hand, and even with Grenzo stealing cards from each opponent it might be hard to use consistantly.

Gamble - Seems straight up good. If we can get it turn one, we can fetch extraplanar lens for quick mana doubling. Just like with Empty the Warrens though we try to dump our hand fast so if we draw it past turn 2 or 3 it gets bad.

Goblin War Strike - A 1 drop nuke. Could win games, but if it would win games you were probably gonna win anyway. Decent threat to hold up for large board wipes.

Goblin Wardriver - we have so many better effects than +1/+0, so who cares?