[[Primer]] Gonti - Night Market Shenanigans

Commander / EDH Guerte

SCORE: 188 | 78 COMMENTS | 30379 VIEWS | IN 72 FOLDERS

Primer Update + Discord Server —May 28, 2019

Hey everyone! I finally got around to updating the primer so that it matches the actual list!

The deck is ever changing, and I may be making a few swaps in the future. I'm considering adding Wurmcoil Engine back so we have a way to go infinite that doesn't require any ETB triggers (stay away Torpor Orb & Friends). I may also find a slot to test Fortuitous Find as another way to get back artifacts.

I've also added the link to the discord server in the actual primer; it's located at the top. If you haven't joined yet, do so now!

As always, I love to hear your thoughts on my list, as well as yours!