Brutal Love

Standard* clashingsword


FNM —June 6, 2015

Won FNM. Had a bye for Round one, lost to a Raptor Lifegain deck in rd two and beat a B-U-Control and a R-B-Aggrocontrol with pretty quickly.

ThaRizza says... #1

It looks good, you gave me a few ideas for my tiny leaders deck. I see this deck struggling against control decks though, or anybody who has a lot of removal for you threats. You may want to consider some hand disruption like Duress or Despise. You could also get some protection spells like Feat of Resistance etc. You could put these in your side board or run them in the main.

May 20, 2015 8:34 a.m.

clashingsword says... #2

Thanks! Yes I'll add Duress and Center Soul to my sideboard. In game 1 I'd like to have full attack strength though. Control yeah ... of course, early beatdown, or it gets annoying.

May 21, 2015 11:14 a.m.

InSpiredWON says... #3

If they want removal, put in some Corpseweft. I run two of these. If they wipe your dudes then bring in a big fattie or more 2/2s every turn. +1

May 29, 2015 10:16 a.m.