God Tribal

Commander / EDH Bejammin


Getting There —June 11, 2018

I've made suggested changes, thank you to all that has helped me!

Bejammin says... #1

Goatface Thank you, I've changed it to Progenitus and have updated my deck

February 9, 2018 6:42 p.m.

As cool as the idea of a good deck is, 5 color God's is difficult to pull off because they all rely on devotion to become creatures, but don't share colors too much. If you're dead set on the idea, I would definitely focus on permanents that greatly increase devotion or multi-color cards to up the odds of activating each good.

February 13, 2018 2:50 p.m.

Bejammin says... #3

Sorry this is a bit of an off and on project whenever I can find the time, do you have any ideas for some permanents I could use? Also Thank you Disciple_of_Doran

June 3, 2018 3:59 p.m.

Nothing comes quickly to mind. Couple other suggestions though:

1: Prophet of Kruphix is on the EDH ban list. If you play group allows it, awesome, use it, it's amazing, but understand that going to play at LGS's you'd likely have to take it out...

2: I'd probably change your commander to Child of Alara. Your current commander is alright, good for the devotion it gives, but Child of Alara's built in board wipe combos well with all your indestructible gods.

June 3, 2018 9 p.m.