I try to build good and silly magic decks.

I've been playing since 2012 and have basically played every format WoTC has acknowledged at some point. Tiny Leaders, DânDân, Brawl, Oathbreaker, it's crazy. So I feel like I know what makes a card game and magic materially good and how to build a deck.

I also had my time as a Former competitive magic the gathering player as a college student 10 2019 - 3 2020 with a pro tour invite. However, I Burnt out after the pandemic and never recovered. Given my life outside cards and feelings towards WOTC, I don't I'll ever play competitive again.

If I seem reclusive about this game, it's mostly because of my hatred to Hasbro/ WoTC has been escalating since 2019 and every non commander format has shrunk since then.

In one regard, magic carried me through the darkest times as a teenager and helped me make amazing friends. In another regard, I don't think that could have happened today as Magic devolves into commander almost exclusively since 2020 while WOTC/Hasbro puts profits over the game. I kind of wish I never got into the game at all.

The good people I meet are the ones who still keep me in the game. And tappedout has one of the better online communities in magic.

lukecwolf and @artcwolf22 everywhere


Commander / EDH - Competitive, Commander / EDH - Infinite Combo, Commander / EDH - Combo, Pioneer - Combo, Pioneer - Collected Company, Pioneer - Control, Pioneer - Competitive, Modern Beyond Horizons - Competitive

MTG Decks

buried alive phoenix jund

Modern lukecwolf


Zur's Doomsday Toolbox PRIMER

Commander / EDH lukecwolf

SCORE: 2 | 201 VIEWS

Finished Decks 50
Prototype Decks 3
Drafts 0
Playing since Magic 2013
Points 45
Avg. deck rating 2.30
T/O Rank 201
Helper Rank 166
Favorite formats Pioneer
Suppressed formats Commander / EDH, Commander: Rule 0, Canadian Highlander, Duel Commander, 1v1 Commander
Joined 8 years