Token championship
Asked by marqueewinq 7 years ago
Does a token created by Bitterblossom championed by Mistbind Clique return to the field after latter leaves it?
marqueewinq says... #2
Lame_Duck, does it hence trigger removal-based abilities such as Blood Artist?
July 7, 2017 7:40 a.m.
hyperlocke says... Accepted answer #3
No and yes.
No, it doesn't trigger Blood Artist when you champion it. Championing puts it into exile, not into the graveyard.
Yes, tokens going to the graveyard trigger things like Blood Artist and Grave Pact because they "touch" the graveyard before ceasing to exist.
110.5f A token that's phased out, or that's in a zone other than the battlefield, ceases to exist. This is a state-based action; see rule 704. (Note that if a token changes zones, applicable triggered abilities will trigger before the token ceases to exist.)
Lame_Duck says... #1
No, any time a token would be put into any zone other than the battlefield it ceases to exist as a state-based action:
"704.5d If a token is phased out, or is in a zone other than the battlefield, it ceases to exist."
July 7, 2017 7:26 a.m.