Mimic vat + Mangara of Corondor combo
Asked by PartyJ 9 years ago
In order to get Mangara of Corondor imprinted on Mimic Vat, it needs a sac outlet. Right?
Using the ability from Mangara of Corondor solely will not be valid alone to imprint it on Mimic Vat straight away. Or am I missing something?
I have seen a few people stating this combo, as it is also posted on this site as combo. But I figure it needs help to get it done.... See my Sisay deck where I have both in and I wish to get this combo running.
Thanks for your help!
Epochalyptik says... #2
Mangara of Corondor's ability exiles Mangara of Corondor as part of its effect. Therefore, you can't use its ability to imprint it onto Mimic Vat; it won't die, and Mimic Vat's ability won't trigger.
You need Mangara of Corondor to be killed by damage or an effect or to sacrifice it in order to get it to die.
Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1
Yes, you need a way for Mangara to die before you can get it imprinted.
November 8, 2015 5:45 p.m.