Interaction between Brago, King Eternal and Battle Sieges

Asked by CamraMaan 1 year ago

The main question is if a (Battle) Siege that is being protected by an opponent is also controlled by that opponent, or do I retain control? Like, can I flicker Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip with Brago, King Eternal and keep exiling cards from my opponents' hands? Thanks in advance!

CamraMaan says... #1

Additionally, say Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip is defeated and flips into Lightshield Array  Flip, can I then flicker Lightshield Array with Brago and have it come back as Invasion of Gobakhan?

April 19, 2023 5:18 a.m.

Delphen7 says... Accepted answer #2

You retain control of the battle and can flicker it with Brago

  • 310.2: "When a battle spell resolves, its controller puts it onto the battlefield under their control."
  • 310.8d: "If a battle’s protector is a different player than its controller, all rules and effects that refer to the “defending player” relative to a battle that is being attacked refer to that battle’s protector rather than its controller. See rule 508.5."

If you have flipped Gobakhan into Lightshield and then flicker it with Brago, it'll enter as the front

  • 712.14: "A double-faced card put onto the battlefield from a zone other than the stack enters the battlefield with its front face up by default."
April 19, 2023 8:08 p.m.

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